Their Reaction to Surprise Hugs & Kisses

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•He's not one for surprises but if they're from you he likes them.
•When he's in a bad mood your touch is all he needs. When you suddenly wrap your arms around him from behind, his stress is immediately relieved.
•He will pull you close to him so he can hold you in his arms.
•While you're cuddling when he least expects it you spring a kiss on his cheek saying "I love you."
•His cheeks will turn a bright pink.
•In return he will shower your face in kisses and tell you how much he loves you.
•"You are the love of my life. I hope you will always stay with me, and allow me to devote myself to you and your being."
•How could you ever leave him after hearing that confession.

•He enjoys your surprise hugs anytime of the day.
•He loves the attention and finds you so adorable.
•He can't help but want to wrap you up and steal you away.
•When he's swamped with paper work or when he's buried deep in his lab work a surprise kiss and say "keep up the good work, I love you," with a smile. And his heart melts.
•Pulling you close he will declare his undying love for you.
•"I love you, you know that. I love you more than I could ever describe. So stay with me and allow me to show you how much I love you."

•Honestly nothing surprises this man. I mean he is the definition of surprise.
•But he finds your attempts cute.
•You're much smaller than him so he loves it when you wrap your arms around him from behind, burying your head into his back.
•He will rub your arms bringing your hand up to kiss it.
•As for surprise kisses he will always beat you to it.
•As you sneak up to kiss his cheek he will turn around and kiss your lips.
•He enjoys watching your face go red, after he will express his fondness of you.
•"You're so cute and innocent, yet you can be so devilish. But I love you nonetheless. Never leave me, my love, I can't be without you."

•He dies everytime. He can't handle your absolutely devotion to him.
•He will squeeze you, complimenting the soft texture of your skin when you touch him.
•He loves it when you give him surprise kisses especially when he's around other girls.
•Even though he is a natural womanizer his heart belongs to you, and he likes to make sure the other women know that.
•He will reciprocate in the surprise kiss department and spring one on you.
•You always end up hiding in his chest, while he whispers his sweet nothings.
•"You are my sunshine, my previous little doll. I swear to protect you with my entire being, no matter the cost, so give yourself to me and I'll give myself to you."

•Since he's a modified human he isn't quite used to human stimulation.
•He will blush and you can't help but nuzzle into his neck.
•He will hold you tight hoping you don't hear his racing heart.
•As soon as he lifts your head you will peck his lips.
•9/10 times it doesn't end with a peck. He won't go crazy but he like the feeling of your lips melding together with his.
•After he will tell you everything he feels about you
•"You are so important to me (Y/N), I've thought about it, but I can't imagine a life without you anymore. I need you. Stay with me."

•Like Takeo he is NOT used to human simulation either.
•A surprise hug from you will send him into cardiac arrest.
•You can't help but cradle him in your arms.
•As soon as his heart regains its regular blood flow you will spring a surprise kiss on him and say "I love you."
•He will go right back in his attack and hug you burying his face in your hair.
•When he recovers he let's you see his feelings.
•"I had no idea I would ever get to experience anything like this. And I don't want it to end. Please let me protect you and keep you safe."

•He's like Takeo and M-21 not used to human stimulation either but he takes it better than the other two.
•When you jump on him from behind in a hug he will spin around to glomp you.
•He will ask you to cuddle with him and of course you will comply.
•You will watch movies and as he begins to doze off you surprise him with a kiss and immediately he springs back to life.
•He will beg you to give him more kisses but you refuse to just to tease.
•He pouts giving up but in the end you give him another one which results in you getting glomped again.
•He will calm down and stroke your hair he goes on to gush over you.
•"Your hair is so soft, but not as soft as your skin. And your eyes are beautiful, you're just beautiful in general. And you're all mine and I love you."

•This angry cinnamon roll will act like he's annoyed when you try to surprise hug him.
•Secretly he finds it cute but he prefers if he just come up and hug him normally.
•He likes holding your small frame in his body.
•It doesn't matter if you surprise kiss him or normally kiss him. He never sees it coming.
•He will get embarrassed and scold you telling you to stop but he really doesn't mean it. And you know it so you'll tease him by saying "but I'm showing how much I love you."
•He will clicked his tongue before looking you dead in the eyes which startles you.
•"I love you more than you can imagine. I know I have a funny way of saying because of my temperamental attitude but it's true. I will marry you one day."

•He will complain about how inelegant it is too sneak up on someone to hug or kiss them.
•But honestly he wants to do the same to you but doesn't want to seem tactless.
•He will ask you why you insist on surprising him so you reply, "its just a different way of showing my affection for you...if you really don't like it I'll stop."
•He panics slightly, "I never said I hated it," he says embarrassedly. You smile wide, pecking his lips.
•His whole face turns red. He wasn't expecting that.
•He decides it's his turn to embarrass you and pecks your lips.
•While you're left stunned he smirks and  says, "from now on you better watch out, I plan on showing you my affection too when you least expect it. I love you."

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