Rajak x Noble!Reader

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This takes place during and after chapter 265.

(S/W/N) = Soul Weapon Name.


"Rajak you go, I'll hold them off." You said summoning your soul weapon (S/W/N).

"I refuse to let you fight them on your own (Y/N)." He stepped into position beside you.

"Rajak you need to go back to Lukedonia and warn The Lord. I'll be okay I promise."

After engaging in an stare off with you Rajak reluctantly dismissed Kartas and turned around.

"Please, be safe." You smiled nodding at him.

"Look who you're talking to."

You watched as he left and turned your attention back to your enemies in front of you.

"You will not get passed me."


And they didn't. You fought valiantly against them. You protected your homeland from danger and gave enough time for your dearest Rajak to warn The Lord.

The moment Rajak had left you he had regretted it and he was right to. As soon as he had returned he had felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. You laid in your own pile of blood. A hole where your heart should be. You were cut and bruised so bad. He hurried back to Frankenstein's abode, hoping and praying that he could save you. No, he was going to save you, he had to.

It had been two months already and you hadn't made any signs of recovering instead you're body was slowly deteriorating. Unable to do anything but watch you from your glass containment. Your (H/L)(H/C) hair sprawled around you. Your face looked peaceful but he couldn't help but feel pain.

He couldn't bare to watch you any longer. He needed a distraction. He needed to get away. So he left back to Lukedonia to bury himself in work. Nobody dared ask how he was coping. They could all see it.

It's been a full year since your "accident" as everybody is now calling it. And still you hadn't shown any signs of recovery but Frankenstein refused to give up. Even Raizel has offered his "assistance" a couple times. Meaning he would try and awaken you. Everybody was against the idea, not because Frakenstein refused to see his master die but because he and everyone else knew that, that is not what you would have wanted. If anything you were aiding Frankenstein in finding a way to restore his master's depleting life force.

Other five months had gone by, at this stage Rajak had lost all hope of you ever returning to his side. Don't misunderstand, he misses you dearly, and desperately wishes for you back, there's not a day that goes by that he doesn't weep for you. By now he has no further tears to shed expect for the ones on the inside. Frankenstein to his dismay he had declared you dead but you had other ideas.

After a year and six months your eyes opened. You were so out of it you didn't and couldn't even comprehend what was happening around you. You were in a glass tube somewhere. A man stood in front dumbfounded. You thought it looked funny. You recognised him but couldn't place how you knew him, not yet anyway. Frankenstein ran every diagnosis test known to kind, he couldn't explain this any other way expect from being a: miracle.

After making sure everything will be fine throughout the next few days, Frankenstein released you from your container. Your wounds had begun healing, dreadfully slow but it was healing. Unfortunately you had been slipping between consciousness and unconsciousness. Slowly you regained enough strength to talk, it was reliving for everyone to hear your voice. Looking around you frowned.

"Rajak?" Your voice was raspy and dry. Raizel had been the one to help you drink.

"He's locked himself in his room back in Lukedonia, he blames himself for what has happened." Rael explained rather calmly. You shook your head sitting up much to your bodies protest. Biting back the pain Seira helped to prop you up.

"Far from it. It was my decision. I told him to go." You scowled to no one in particular.

"We know (Y/N). And we've told him that. But you know how much he loves you."

You did, and you loved him thrice as much. You had to go to him, no matter how broken your body may be, you were going to him and you would kill anyone who stopped you.

"Whoa whoa what are you doing?!" Everybody basically screamed or yelled at you as you began moving to leave your bed.

"I'm going to see my love, and you won't stop me." The pure authority in your voice made everyone stop this included Raizel, who spoke gently to you.

"(Y/N) you are in no condition to travel, you struggle to walk."

"Then I'll crawl if I must, but I must go to him, I cannot bare to think what it's been like for him," tears formed in your eyes.

Everyone understood, they were just worried. They felt selfish to let you stay while you felt so strongly so they weren't going to stop you. Even if they had they knew you would just go anyway.

Rael, Seira and Regis had helped you return to Lukedonia. You ignored everybody, except The Lord giving her a brief bow and disappearing. She couldn't help but chuckle. Usually it would be disrespectful towards The Lord to behave in such a manner but this was a special exception. Suppressing the pain drilling through your body you pounded on the door. Rael had to stop you before you broke it down. Rajak contemplated whether he should open the door or not until you spoke.

"Rajak my love open the door. It's me."

The door unlocked and opened slowly revealing blond dishevelled hair, pale skin, hollow eyes with black circles, you hardly regconised him. Seeing him like this brought tears to your eyes. You embraced him tightly.

He couldn't believe it, you were there. Standing in front of him now hugging him. It wasn't a dream. Tears he thought he could no longer shed stung his eyes as he held you tightly.

Stroking his head you attempted to soothe and reassure him that, this was real and you were there and okay. It felt like a long time but he finally settled. His red swollen eyes and red nose stood out amongst his deathly white skin.

"H-how, this doesn't- I mean," he couldn't describe how he was feeling. No words could but he immediately started blaming himself.

"It's my fault, I shouldn't have left you."

"Rajak don't start. I told you to go, it was my decision to fight them alone." You sternly replied.

"That doesn't mean I should've left. I thought you were gone. I thought I would never see your smiling beautiful face every morning." He hadn't realized he had started crying again till you rubbed them away.

"Why are you thinking like that when I'm right in front of you? I'm alive Rajak and I'm here. With you, right now. And I'm not going anywhere." You firmly stated every word, every letter.

You were right, he knew that. You were alive, you're alive. And back to him. He couldn't be happier.

Extra Ending:

"And now I pronounce you husband and wife. Rajak you may kiss your bride."

Smiling wide Rajak lifted your veil bringing you into a heart melting kiss. Applause rung throughout the church, along with whistling.

After the party you both ended up cuddling each other.

"I love you, my wife." He kissesd your nose. You giggled happily.

"I love you, my husband." You kissed his lips.

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