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John has been gaining memories back slowly. Mostly little things. He remembers all of the old song we used to sing at the bar now. I also just learned, Frances is going to be a big sister. I have no idea how to tell John, or when. I don't even know if he wanted another child. I smile and place my hand on my stomach.

"Mommy!" Frances runs into the room.

"Yes, amour?" I smile at the small child.

"Can you teach me French?" She asks with a smile.

"Of course, baby." I pick her up and walk with her to the piano Eliza teaches Philip on. I sit Frances down. She already knows how to play piano. I sit next to her.

"First, we'll start with numbers." I put my hands over the keys and begin to play, "Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six sept, huit, neuf" Frances looks and me and presses the same keys I did.

"Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf." She sings, messing up on six, seven, eight, nine.

"Six, sept, huit, neuf." I correct.

"Six, sept, huit, neuf." She repeats, more confident this time.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine." We both sing.

Frances continues her numbers until she gets them prefect. "Can I learn more!?" She says enthusiastically.

"It's getting late, amour." I say.

"Awe just one more mommy? Please?" She pouts. I smile.

"Alright," I obliged, "Oui. That means yes."

"Oui." Frances repeats.

I nod, "Oui. Non, means no."


"Perfect," I smile. She's catching on quick, "Oui means?"

"Yes." Frances smiles.

"Non means?"


"Good job, mon amour." I smile and hug her.

"That means, my love." Frances smiles and smooths out her dress.

"Yes it does." I say.

Frances looks just like John. She has his poofy hair and freckles. She has a French accent, though she doesn't know much of the language.

"It's time for supper, amour." I say, holding Frances hand and leading her out of the room. She skips down the hallway and runs into John's arms when she sees him.

"Daddy!" She giggles and throws her arms around his neck.

"Hey baby." John smiles and kisses Frances temple.

"Daddy! Mommy is teaching me French!"

"Is she now?" John smiles at me. I lean against the doorway and smile at my husband and daughter.

My husband and daughter...

I never would have thought I would end up with this mysterious John Laurens my brother spoke so fondly of in his writings.


"So John," I sit next to him, "I have something to tell you..."

"Yes, baby?" He says, a worried look painted on his face.

"I'm expecting..." I say. John smiles and puts his hands on my stomach.

"We're having another child?" He says, looking up at me and smiling.

I nod, "Yes, John. We are." I smile.

John stands and picks me up, he spins me around and kisses me, sitting me down on the ground and not breaking the kiss.

John smiles and leans his head against mine, "I love you~"

"I love you, mon amour~"

Hurts Like Hell | John LaurensWhere stories live. Discover now