Operation Oh Well

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"How is this a good idea again?"

Jungkook pauses to stare at his boyfriend, who has a bored diva look painted across his features. Taehyung holds a purse in his hand, the other occupying a place on his hip, and lips puckered in the sassiest way imaginable. The purse isn't his, by the way, but that's for later.

The strawberry blonde rolls her eyes, twisting the yellow-dyed ends of of her shoulder-length hair. "Because there is no better idea?" Lisa cocks an eyebrow, striking a snobby pose to reply to him. "Unless you have another one, of course, then I'd simply love to hear that."

Jennie is still next to Jungkook, and the two are quiet the way they always are when out with their significant others. The brunette - the female one - being new to this entire ordeal, is silently confused and internally judging everyone around her at the same time.

"I still don't understand why you're looking for him in here, to be honest," She tries to interrupt the arguing fashionistas, lips pursed and brow pulled together. "Plus, I don't think he's going to appear here just like that."

"Hear, hear," The younger boy choruses quietly, but then sighs because he knows the two would never listen to them like this. "Can you two stop fighting and actually get something done for once?"

No response.

Unless ignoring his words and continuing arguing counts as one.

"I can't do this kind of work!" The gray-haired boy exclaims, offended in gay. "This is too low class for someone like me."

Lisa rolls her eyes. "What, too scared to break a nail, pretty boy?"

Said pretty boy scowls, rolling his shoulders back. "You did not just go there."

"Oh yes I did," She mocks, making his growl in rage.

"These two will never get any work done." Jennie sighs, letting her attention focus on the young boy next to her. "They're pretty much intent on turning this into some America's Next Top Model drama scene."

The boy smiles at this, his eyes crinkling at the corners and his almost nonexistent upper lip pulling up to expose his straight bunny teeth. "That's funny."

The girl looks a bit taken aback, but internally coos at his sweetness. "Aw, thanks."

"Let's get some work done ourselves." He says, shrugging off his jacket and skipping to the car door. "I don't have a license, though."

"That's okay, I can drive," Jennie laughs in delight as she sits in the driver's seat, while the divas continue their argument, not noticing the brunettes' conspiracy. "Where to?"

"This place is definitely not somewhere you'd find Namjoon." Jungkook observes, taking shotgun and watching the dizzy landscape of the seashore. "Even if he wants to think."

The girl raises an eyebrow.

He speaks after a moment's pause. "Let's get to the library."


You are so done.

Yoongi hasn't been seen anywhere since the morning, at least not by you - but the thing is, the one person who needs to see him the most is you.

You've checked everywhere, even jail - that is, everywhere except the amusement park. That's because that place is the one the two of you were planning to search together, but you haven't had any contact with the blue-haired boy since the first light of the sun peeked in through the cracks of the shade of your curtains.

He has, in your opinion - to put it simply - disappeared off the face of the Earth.

But that was two hours ago, because you got Suga's message, and you're pretty pissed about how he conveniently couldn't inform you about this earlier.

Hey, I'm sorry but I won't be able to make it today. I gotta tutor this one kid for chem, and I'm getting brownie points for this, so yeah. I can't come today, but if you're up for it tomorrow-

You don't bother to read the rest of it, since you know it's only going to piss you off even further.

And, being yourself, you decide to look around the park yourself.

Not the best move on your part - but you only realise that much, much later.

You raise your nose to sniff the air again, remembering the first time you'd smelt gunpowder and curiously - and stupidly - decided to explore the possible cause for it. And how you'd almost gotten kidnapped - it was an important day for you, because that was the first time you had been introduced to a gang that would later change your life.

You make a face. Not getting even traces of a whiff of the pungent smelling powder, you slouch in your position, discouraged. You don't see any signs of some gangster AU type of car, either, so there's not much encouragement that Jimin has been here recently.

Try again.

You reach the side of the rusted metal sheds, long with railing lining the sides, which once before hosted lines of people waiting to get a chance on the ride. And then, you see the bare, yellowed wall.

Your face scrunches slightly, as if even your facial muscles are unsure whether to smile or cry. Because that was the place you had been pushed against when you thought you were being kidnapped.

And then, because trouble can't seem to stay away from you, a dark, hooded figure slams into your side before you can say kidnap, and once again, you're pressed against that very wall. And strangely enough, you feel a moment of euphoria (a/n: oh yes I did), because it gives you that déjà vu moment when you think it's Jimin, again.

How ironic.

But this time, your 'kidnapper' is smarter, and, well, prepared.

And now, you actually smell something, something strong and sharp and minty which definitely isn't gunpowder, but yup, it's chloroform, and your eyelids droop and you're a limp doll in the stranger's arms before you can say oh well.

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