Operation Twix

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"Am I supposed to be here?" Jennie smiles at you, not a confused kind of smile, but a warm one. "Did you really ask me? Or did you mistske me for Lisa?"

You smile back. "No, no mistake." You shake your head slightly, wondering how anyone could ever mistake Jennie's sweet voice for Lisa's confident one. "I just thought...I thought I'd like to get to know you. You seem like a befriendable person."

She chuckles, leaning back in her chair with her mug still clutched in her warm hands. "From all the stories I've heard, you seem like a dangerously befriendable person."

You laugh at that, and the twinkle in her eyes makes your heart constrict. You'd almost forgotten about your - er, bisexuality - and Jennie is definitely one of the most attractive girls you have ever met.

She's taken, you remind yourself reprimandingly, and you're still stuck in an it's-complicated situation.

You purse your lips from smiling too hard.

"I guess I am," You shrug. "But then, Lisa's always been out to get me. It wasn't my fault I've gotten involved with big, bad people before."

"Well, I can't disagree with that." The brunette lifts the coffee mug to her lips and her eyes change into crescent smiles against the pale skin of her cheeks. "I wasn't there, so I feel...left out sometimes."

"Don't." You assured her. "Being caught up with a big bad guy with a mean lip ring is never worth it."

She grins.

"I like you already." Jennie offers you a nod of acknowledgement, and you grin back. "The stories are so bleak in comparison."

"Believe me, you haven't seen me at my best moments." You answer, and she smiles.

There is a comfortable silence for a moment after that, indicating that the two of you have finally settled with each other. It's nice; after all the confusion of the Jimin situation, you like having someone new to talk to.

"I know I haven't really known you well enough to offer any sort of opinion, but," She bites her lip, "Lisa told me about the entire ordeal with Jimin...you shouldn't beat yourself up over it, you know."

Your lips purse, thr barriers of your mind coming close to shutting against any sort of intrusion. When you don't say anything, she continues.

"And we've never really talked directly to each other before...well, except for the time you kneed my girlfriend in the crotch," She chuckles, and you cheeks flame, "but I'm glad she trusts me enough to tell me about one of the people she looks up to."

You lift your head slightly, eyes widening in wonder.

"And you've always been such a protagonist." Jennie offers you a reassuring slant of the lips. "There was a reason that some part of you - no matter how small it may be - told you to let him go. Usually, the smallest parts are the smartest."

You snort a little unattractively at that.

"Maybe there's something that keeps you from the bad influences." She winks. "Maybe it's a someone - maybe it's someones."

Her fingers hesitatingly cover yours. "And maybe you should let yourself be swayed, even if it's just to see where it goes. If Jimin is meant to be with you, he will be with you. And if he doesn't...you'll get over it."

"I know." Your voice sounds hollow, but you lightly clasp your hands around her weak hold. "I hope so."

And just like that, the incident is forgotten.


"You have to remember!"

Jungkook winces at the particularly loud tone of the gray-haired boy, but retains himself as he sits on the creaky wooden chair. "I said I don't know, hyung."

"But you have to!" Taehyung yells crazily, and the brunet's upper lip twitches in annoyance. "That thing is my medicine!"

"Stop being so dramatic." He sighs, and Taehyung stops immediately, looking at him with big, indignant eyes. "Hey, don't look at me like that - it's just chocolate."

"Just chocolate, he says," The long-limbed boy simmers like a oil in a frying pan. "Little do you know."

Jungkook purses his lips, and stares at his boyfriend as he rushes around the kitchen, opening and closing cabinets, rummaging through a mountain of goods piled up in the refrigerator.

"Hyung." He tries weakly.

The boy turns around and gives him a pouty look, like a little kid trying to convince his babysitter to let him stay up late. "I have to find it, Jungkook! That was the last batch of Twix I had!"

Batch? The younger thinks, but doesn't say anything.

Taehyung pouts further, his rounded eyes making him look like a baby koala. His ash gray curls cling to his babyish face, long-fingered hands clutching uselessly at the back of an old chair. He stares at Jungkook for a short moment before leaning in to kiss him.

The brunet automatically responds, tilting his head up so their mouths slide together perfectly, fittings like puzzle pieces. Jungkook closes his eyes and tastes his boyfriend's honey and cookie crumb taste.

Taehyung pulls away a moment later, resting his forehead on the younger's. The kiss was surprising and a little uncalled for, but Jungkook is certainly not complaining.

His eyes are intense, hands warm on Jungkook's face, but when he speaks, his voice is like a sonic version of a death glare.

"You ate my last Twix, didn't you?"

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