Chapter 33

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I listened to Bad Medicine by Bon Jovi, All Day And All Of The Night by The Kinks and Redemption Song by Bob Marley and The Wailers.

Without trying to sound pushy, I'd really appreciate it if you guys could check out my first one shot that I wrote! It's about Dean Winchester for all you Supernatural fans. I'd be so grateful if you could read it and let me know what you think, or even send in a request!

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"Okay," Oliver replied with a shrug.

I blinked. "Okay?" For someone who was supposed to be infatuated with her, he didn't seem too bothered by the idea of forgetting about her for the evening. I narrowed my eyes.

"Let's get to work," he said.

Despite my surprise, I brushed off Oliver's work ethic and decided to roll with it. It was a welcome change from the Gillian-drone I had to do a project with before. Steadily, Oliver and I worked late into the night, both aiming to finish before midnight. Our preparation for our OWLs had built up enough that we didn't want to spend too long on this.

We managed to produce a full five pages of work on Amalthea by 11:30 - so mission accomplished. I smiled at Oliver as we packed up, and to my surprise, he smiled back.

"It went well tonight," I said as we left the library. I nodded at Madam Pince, who grinned at me from behind a leather-bound book. "I think we did better this time."

"I think we worked better without Gillian here," Oliver mused.

I swallowed. "So I'll see you tomorrow," I said once we had reached the staircase leading to the Ravenclaw common room. "Sleep well."

"You too," he replied and he waved as I climbed the staircase.

The girls were asleep when I returned. I found it odd; late nights were becoming more common in the lead up to our OWLs. Nonetheless, I was glad they'd finally decided some sleep would be appropriate.


I made sure I was the first one to wake up that morning. I didn't want to let Gillian downstairs to give Oliver any amortentia. The effects were evidently wearing off - she must've forgotten to give it to him yesterday. All I needed to do was keep the potion away from him until it was completely out of his system.

Quietly, I woke up everyone except Gillian. She didn't need to realise we were planning on going down to breakfast early.

The second I saw Oliver, I rushed over to him and practically ordered him to sit with me for the morning. "There's some astronomy stuff I need to talk to you about. It's very important." He agreed, thank God.

When he sat next to me, I quickly made up some rubbish about how our wording in the essay might be considered too close to the wording from the textbook. But he genuinely listened to my 'concerns' as if he thought they might've been important.

He didn't even notice when Gillian burst into the hall. All of his attention was on the scrambled eggs he was piling on top of some toast. I noticed Gillian trying to stay calm while searching the Gryffindor table for her missing boyfriend. I could see her jaw clench when she spotted him with us, before she promptly stormed over.

"Oliver, baby, what are you doing?" she asked through slightly gritted teeth.

I let him speak, eager to see if the amortentia was wearing off further. "Actually, Y/N and I were just talking about a potential problem with our astronomy project. It sounds quite important."

"It really is," I piped in, smirking until Gillian made eye contact with me. 

"Baby, come sit with me," Gillian said. Her voice was strained and I could tell she was trying not to shout. The last thing she would want was for everyone to start watching her desperately try to drag her boyfriend back to her.

"This project is really important, Gillian," Oliver repeated. I nodded, impressed by his willingness to stand up to the person who he used to be drooling over. "You should go eat breakfast without me."

Narrowing her eyes, she folded her arms. "Well, at least let me leave you something I made for you last night," she said. There was no doubt in my mind as to what it was.

I held my breath as Gillian reached into the pocket of her robes and pulled out a little box. This confused me. Surely she was trying to slip him a potion? But my doubts were silenced when she opened the box to reveal a single, heart-shaped piece of chocolate. The dark brown seemed to have a silver shine, almost like a pearl. She doused it in amortentia. She was smarter than we gave her credit for.

Beaming, Gillian put the box in Oliver's hand and closed his fingers around it to make sure he wouldn't let it go.

"Eat it now - my treat."

He looked at the box, the corner of his mouth slightly downturned. "Maybe later," he said. "I don't like sweet stuff this early."

Perhaps a little too loudly, I let out a long sigh. If Gillian only gave Oliver his amortentia early in the day, that left only a few more hours for the effects to finally disappear.

He put the box in his pocket. Gillian's shoulders dropped.

"I'd best be off, then," she said. She turned to go. "Love you," she added, waiting for his response. Oliver, however, had focused his attention on finishing his food.

I snorted. Things were looking better by the second.

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