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~-~-~ Semi smut chapter, just like...uh porn? but not'll see ~-~-~

Innocent, was one thing Jungkook had always been. It was one thing he was constantly hearing from his friends, that he was "Too innocent" to know what they had been talking about. At first he didn't care because he was the youngest and it was known for younger people not to know what those older than you talked about. He was always told by his parents that he would learn about such things later on in life when he was mature and capable of understanding them, so he went along with it and never questioned anything his hyung's said. Of course, Jin, being the one that had acted like his -and everyone else's- mother tried to cover his ears or scold the others when they talked about such things when Jungkook was around. There were times when he didn't have Jin there to do so seeing as he had work or would just be out for the day. 

But as years went by Jungkook had slowly grown tired of not knowing what others were saying, and constantly being called "Innocent".  He was fed up and didn't want to be the innocent boy everyone thought he was. And so he took matters into his own hands, he remembered a site some old college friends had talked about and decided to explore.

Thus is how he came across Taehyung, the porn star.

After seeing the familiar name of his best friend on the strange site, Jungkook clicked on what looked like a video. It had seemed okay at first. There was a man sitting on a bed, he was only wearing a shirt that had gone a little past his thighs. Jungkook had thought that this was one of those creepy sites that people went on to watch people in their homes. He was about to click off when he saw a man that looked oddly like Taehyung. So, he stayed for a little longer until he say his face. He knew in fact that it couldn't be a live camera seeing as his friend had just left his place to go to work at Jin's cafe. He sat there watching silently, the noises of the video started to be the only thing heard throughout his room. At first it was just the soft pattering noises of Taehyung's footsteps and then the sound of the bed creaking as he sat down. Jungkook was a little lost at what he was even watching and why his friend was on it. A soft moan had interrupted his thoughts making him look up at his computer. Taehyung was now hovering over the other male kissing his neck and slowly making his way down to- 

"Jungkook! I brought food!" A all to familiar voice called out, making the boy panic and quickly exit out of the site and shut his laptop. He got up trying to find something to do as if he wasn't just watching his friend do things to a stranger. 

"Jungkook! Don't make me come in there!" The voice yelled out again. Knowing surely that the other would most definitely come into his room and probably question why he was just standing there, he slowly fixed himself trying to act natural and then proceeded to go out of his room and to the kitchen. 

"There you are, for a minute I thought you were watching porn or something." The older male spoke up, smiling at Jungkook with his signature heart shaped smile. 

The word porn sounded familiar, almost as if it had been the key to what he actually had been watching. 

Jungkook awkwardly laughed and sat down at the table in front of his friend and roommate. 

"W-What's porn?" He questioned looking down at his hands.

The older just laughed, patting Jungkook's head and said "Nothing you should concern yourself with. Don't tell Jin hyung I even said that word, okay? He'll kill me for sure." 

Jungkook let it go and the two sat in silence while eating, occasionally they would speak about there days or just talk about random things until the food was all gone. 

"Oh, by the way I'm probably not going to be home tomorrow. I -er- have some work to do at the studio and I'll probably just stay there for the night." The older male said as they cleaned up.

"M'kay." Jungkook spoke softly. He didn't like being alone, that's why he had asked his friend to live with him.  Just when he was about to leave to head back to his room the other spoke up again "I also had called Tae and asked if he would come stay with you for the night. I know how much you hate being alone." 

Normally Jungkook would be fine with Taehyung coming over, normally he wouldn't feel so awkward about having a sleepover with his friend. 

Damn stupid weird video, Jungkook thought. He sighed before nodding his head before saying" 'Night Hobi." and going back to his room. 

Jungkook didn't really know why he even said he was going to sleep, It was still pretty early and he was most definitely not going to sleep anytime soon. Giving up on trying so, Jungkook got out of his bed and went over to his laptop. It was very tempting to go back onto the site and see what Taehyung was even doing. Maybe Jungkook just misread the whole thing? 

To be on the safe side though, he had went over to his door locking it and grabbing his headphones so that if Hoseok  had by any chance still been up and wondered to Jungkook's room then he wouldn't hear what the boy was about to watch. 

For the second time that day, Jungkook had typed in the site's name and scrolled down to the familiar video that Taehyung had been in. Jungkook quickly put in his headphones and lowered the volume to a decent level before clicking the resume button. 

Taehyung had now been farther down on the other male in the video, he was practically face to face with the mans...well you get the point. As Taehyung pulled up the others shirt, showing off the younger's cock due to the fact that he wasn't wearing any underwear. Jungkook grew nervous as he was now watching his friend kiss the other mans cock. He fidgeted a little bit in his chair, trying to fix his pants as they had suddenly become tighter. But doing so, Jungkook felt something, something he hadn't before. When his hand came in contact with his now growing bulge he let out a soft whimper before looking down with wide eyes. 

"W-What the he-heck?" He had no idea what was going on. Poor innocent Jungkook. 

The sounds of moans coming from two different males, got Jungkook's attention back to the video in front of him. His eyes growing even wider as his mouth was hanging open at what had been on the screen. Taehyung now had the other male's dick in his mouth and was sucking on it at a rapid pace. The brunette was unsure of what to do, he felt his whole body become tingly from what he had been watching. He wanted the feeling to go away, but he wasn't to sure on how to. Jungkook remembered before how the feeling of his hand barely touching his lower region had felt and decided maybe to try it again. Before he could do so the sound of his phone going off stopped him. 

Jungkook's heart was racing as he paused the video, he didn't know why but he felt as if he was caught in that moment. Taking out his headphones, he looked over to see who was calling him. 

It was none other than the star of the show, Taehyung.

Jungkook was really freaking out now, he knew that Taehyung would just keep on calling him until he answered. He tried calming down his heart  before finally picking up the phone and answering it.

"Kookieeeee" The older whined out as Jungkook answered the phone. God, that sounded almost like one of his whines from the video. No no no, stop thinking like that, Jungkook thought as he felt his tummy flutter. 

"W-Wh-What do you want Tae?" The brunette stuttered out.

"Don't be so mean Kooks, I just was wondering if I could come over? " The older pouted letting out a huff at the end. 

"C-Come o-over...W-Wh-Why?" 

"Because I want to cuddle and also I don't want to be alone. I figured since I'll be there for tomorrow night we could start the sleepover early. Come on Kookie, Pleeeasseee" Taehyung spoke in his most innocent voice and practically begged the younger. 

Jungkook sighed, he knew Taehyung would just come over even if he said no. He couldn't have him come over now though, not with whatever was going on in his pants. 

"F-Fine yo-you can come over." The younger gave in, figuring maybe as he waited his problem would go away.

"I knew you'd say yes, so I drove myself to your place. Walking up now." Taehyung said happily before hanging up.

Jungkook was screwed. 


First Chapter, hOpE iT's NoT tO sHiTtY


Tutor- Taekookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें