Second Thoughts;

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  Taehyung felt lost, he knew he shouldn't have agreed to this. It didn't matter if Jin or anyone else knew about his secret job anymore. It had never been as hard as it was to be around Jungkook as it has these past few weeks. Coming up with something to tell Jin as to why he was crying, was a bit hard but thankfully the older was more worried about Taehyung and stopping his crying. Jin was a softy when it came to Taehyung. He remembers the first time they had met. It was during the first year of college, Jin was taking a shortcut to his next class when he heard someone crying. It was just awful, Taehyung was sat against a tree with his knee's pulled to his chest and his head in between his knee's as he let out all the hurt he felt that day. The older couldn't just walk away, but he also couldn't afford to miss a class. Being the nice person he was, Jin gave in as he walked slowly to the younger boy. He set his bag down and sat beside the stranger. It took him a minute to figure out how to approach the situation. He couldn't just go in and try to calm the boy down as they didn't know each other. It was a bit difficult but somehow, Jin managed to calm the brunette down. Taehyung spilled out his feelings to the stranger, not caring that they didn't know one another and Jin just sat there listening. The older always had his back ever since that day. Jin took him under his wing and into his home as if he were his own kid, which I mean he practically is.

"You dont have to tell me right now if you dont want to. I just need to know, is it like that day?" Jin asked not wanting to refer to the day they had met. Although it turned out to be a good day, it didn't start out that way and Taehyung didnt like to be reminded of it.

The younger nodded his head, still wrapped in Jin's arms. Before either could speak another person joined them in the bathroom. The minute Taehyung heard the door open he rushed into a stall, he didnt want whoever just walked in to see him crying. Taehyung hardly cried in front of the boys, Jin had been the only one to see him shed a tear.

"Hey, I've gotta head out. Is- "
"No, yeah that's fine. Thank you for coming. " Jin spoke cutting off Namjoon before he could finish his sentence. Jin already knew that he was going to ask about Taehyung and he couldn't tell him what was wrong nor could he lie.

With that, Namjoon nodded and left the bathroom. The boys could be heard saying there goodbyes from in the restroom.

"When are you going to confess? " Taehyung questioned as he came out of the stall. His eyes were a bit red, but the tears were gone. Jin only hoped the pain would go away as well.

"When are you going to?" Jin said back.

"Jin I-"

"Hey it's getting kind of late, everyone is ready to leave. You guys gonna come say goodbye?" Hoseok spoke opening the door.

"Yeah we were just coming out." Jin replied as he looked back to the younger.

"We can talk more later?" Jin asked before leaving the bathroom and Taehyung to himself.  "Yeah." He mumbled quietly, looking in the mirror to check himself before following Jin out into the dining room.


After everyone left, Jin locked up the cafe and Taehyung waited for the older so they could walk home together.

"So what were you about to say earlier?" Jin question as they strolled down the street. The two shared an apartment not to far from the cafe.
Taehyung gulped as he thought of an excuse. He had hoped that Jin would forget, but of course not. Jin never forgets anything. Like how he will murder Taehyung.

The younger took a deep breath before coming clean. He couldn't get out of this, Jin would just question him even more about what was going on.

"I'm teaching Jungkook about sex." Taehyung said quickly before he chickened out, not looking at his hyung. He already knew he was going to die.

"Okay." Jin said nonchalantly.

"O-Okay?" The younger stuttered out, he waited a little bit for the older to hit him, but nothing came.



"I'm teaching Jungkook-"

"I heard what you said Tae."


Jin sighed before he stopped walking making the other Male stop in his tracks.

"You thought I'd be mad, yell at you and maybe hit you?" Jin asked.


"I'm not mad..I'm just- im worried Taehyung. I dont want you to get hurt, but I know its inevitable. You're going to get hurt and make mistakes sometimes. I just want you happy and as long as you're happy then I'm happy. So, if this is what you want and it makes you happy then I guess...go for it. But be careful please. " Jin spoke calmly. The two continued to walk as they were close to the apartment.

Taehyung's phone went off as they entered the apartment.

Kookie ♡: Is everything okay?

Taehyung sighed writing a quick 'yeah' before setting his phone down on his nightstand.
It had been a long night, he was more than ready to sleep, but of course his thoughts wouldn't let him. He thought back on what Jin had told him. Was he even happy with this? Did helping Jungkook lose his innocence make him happy when he knew it wasn't out of love, but out of curiosity for Jungkook. If anything the whole thing hurt Taehyung more than it did just being his friend.

Taehyung : I cant help you anymore.

--That was a bit shorter than usual. --

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