"Everything's okay again."

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Jungkook had given himself one rule when it came to drinking. He wouldn't go outside while drunk; he'd make sure the next day was clear of any work as he didn't want to be hungover while doing his job and he never ever would let his other friends know he had been drinking. Hoseok was an exception as he was the one to find the younger boy passed out on the couch one night; a empty bottle in his hands.

Hoseok hated keeping the secret for the younger boy just as much as he hated seeing his friend drink away the tears. He didn't know why Jungkook would cry himself to sleep while clutching a beer bottle and he never asked either; knowing the younger would talk about it when he wanted to.

Hoseok took a big risk in keeping the secret from his friends, more so the oldest boy.

If Jin found out he'd cuss both the boys out for hours about the responsibilities of drinking alcohol.

It was Friday night yet again and somehow Hoseok had talked Jungkook into going with him. The younger protested for the longest time, but knew his friend was only doing what was best. If he didn't go to another get together then it would look obvious and Jin would checkup on him. Jungkook didn't want that and so he got dressed and left the house with his cheerful friend.

"I can't believe you were fucked by the Park Sungjin."

It was the first thing the two boys heard as they walked into the restaurant.

Yoongi was gushing as he spoke to the blonde haired boy.

"It's really nothing, Hyung." Taehyung looked down at his hands, a blush crept up on his face at the topic of their conversation.

"I mean I can't believe you actual got topped, I thought my child was a top." Jin chuckled out as he saw his friend groan and lean down into his seat.

A cough interrupted the conversation making the boy's turn and look to Hoseok and Jungkook.

Taehyung's eye's widened as he saw the younger boy. It had been maybe more thana week since he saw the light-haired boy. Jungkook didn't look so good, it seemed as if he hadn't slept the night before which worried Taehyung. He knew how the younger had sleeping issues.

The two boys walked over to the table, Hoseok sitting next to Jimin leaving Jungkook to sit in the only other empty seat at the table.

Jungkook scooted the chair a bit to the left as he sat down beside the blonde. He didn't want to be to close to the boy which made Taehyung frown.

"H-Hello, Hyung." Jungkook quietly greeted the older.

"Hi..Jungkook."the younger winced, he hated that he didn't use the nickname he'd always used before.

It was quiet for a while as the boy's ate.

Jin looked over to the younger boy who was barely eating his food.

"How is work, Jungkook?" He questioned being the first to speak up.

The younger looked up at the call of his name "It's fine Hyung. I-I've been busy...I'm sorry that I haven't come by." Jungkook felt bad for lying, the reason for not visiting the restaurant wasn't because he had been busy with work. Even if he was, the boy always made time for his older friend. No, Jungkook didn't want to take the chance of possibly seeing the blonde haired male.

"It's alright, you're eating right and sleeping?" Jin was concerned for his friend, it made Jungkook's frown lift up a bit.

"Yes, Hyung. I'm getting sleep and eating plenty. Don't worry." Jungkook chuckled lightly.

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