Lesson Number One - First Kiss;

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   When you think of a first kiss, you think of many different things. Such as; happiness, awkwardness, soft, special and many more. When you think of your first kiss you think about a kiss shared between you and your first crush, someone you've dreamed about kissing, or in other cases a simple dare and even something that unexpectedly happened.

For Jungkook, he hadn't thought much of his first kiss. Seeing as he's never been kissed. Yeah, he was 21 Years old and still has never had his first kiss. Even though he hadn't thought much of it, he never would have thought about his first kiss being with his best friend, Taehyung.

When the older had told Jungkook that the first thing that he'd be learning about, was kissing, Jungkook's eye's had just about bulged out of his head. Just thinking about kissing the older, gave him anxiety. 

"I'm sorry WHAT?!" Jungkook exclaimed loudly not caring if he got the attention of his friends who were just in the next room.

"I said-"

"I heard what you said. I'm just....I-I..."Jungkook said covering the other boys' mouth with his hand. He was beyond confused, but of course he should have expected this. He did ask Taehyung to teach him things that others wouldn't let him in on and he had asked to go slow at first. Apparently this was the slow and was also the first thing they would have to do to start the whole thing.

A kiss, lip to lip, with his best friend. This would forever be the story he'd tell his future kids about, when they asked about his first kiss. It was with his best friend. On the other hand, maybe it wasn't a bad thing that he'd have his first kiss with Taehyung. He was someone he respected and looked up too. He felt safe with Taehyung and ...well the more Jungkook thought about it, the more it didn't sound so crazy.

"Okay." Jungkook simply said.

"Okay?" Taehyung questioned a little confused on what the 'okay' was meant for. Was it an okay as in 'okay I'm calling this off' or was it a good okay? Taehyung wasn't sure.

"Okay, lets do this. The kiss thing." Jungkook awkwardly spoke, looking down at his hands.

Taehyung tried his best to hide his smile. He was happy and excited. Maybe he shouldn't be excited that he'd be his best friends first kiss, but he was more than happy that he'd be his crush's first kiss. The older one of the two slowly scooted closer to the other. Taehyung carefully put both of his hands on each of Jungkook cheeks, and lifted his head up.
"First thing, you need to look up. Can't see your pretty face if your head is hanging low." Taehyung said letting the word 'petty' slip from his mouth. Right now he didn't care, but later he'd yell at himself for doing so.

Jungkook blushed at the word, he couldn't help but blush. He tried not to, seeing as he knew that Taehyung was only saying such things to help his anxiety.

"Now, there's many ways a kiss can start out. The guy can kiss you, you can kiss him, you both kiss each other. He can grab your face and smash your lips together or he can slowly pull you close, agonizingly slow as he looks from your eyes, to your lips and before your lips touch he rubs his thumb against your cheek. Bringing you even closer as your lips finally touch, both of your eyes slowly closing. The kiss being so soft and full of love. Filling your stomach with butterflies and making you feel so lightheaded from just one simple touch. " Taehyung said as he looked into Jungkooks eyes, taking his time to really get a good look at the younger's face up close. As he's finishing the sentence Taehyung looks to Jungkooks lips and licks his own and then releases the boy. Taehyung has to remind himself to breathe as he backs up a little. Despite the two not even kissing just yet, the two were extremely out of breathe and starting to get hot as they had been close. Jungkook didn't know that a kiss can be so different when it always involved two people's lips. Their were so many ways to kiss someone and Jungkook couldn't wait to learn the ways.

"S-so..which uh how-how are we?" Jungkook was at a lost for words. He wasn't quite sure what he was trying to ask, but he knew it was about the whole kiss thing. Even though he hadn't spoken a clear and coherent sentence, Taehyung knew what he was asking.

"Anyway you want. Its your first kiss, but I'd recommend something simple. Nothing to raunchy yet. You aren't ready." Taehyung answered.

Jungkook only nodded taking in the information and trying to analyze the word 'raunchy'.

"What about..uh in your videos? The..porn?" Jungkook questioned awkwardly.

"What do you mean?"

"Uh..well how would you kiss one of them. Say your..uh video?.. Had to be ab-" Jungkook started but couldn't finish because Taehyung cut him off.

"I understand now. You want me to kiss you as if I was kissing someone for one of my videos. But something in a way of a first time. " Taehyung spoke, making the other nod his head slowly.

"Okay...before this happens. Are you absolutely positively sure about this?" Taehyung just wanted to make sure, Jungkook wouldn't regret anything later.

The younger took a minute to ponder the question. He really didn't want to be so innocent anymore. It had gotten extremely annoying, how everyone treats him like he's some child. Jungkook knew that everyone was only looking for him, but he was an adult now and he was ready. As he had a quick conversation with himself, in his head, he decided it was time.

"I'm sure, hyung." Jungkook breathed out.

The older simply nodded his head as he made his way closer to Jungkook once again. He went slowly, not wanting to go to fast and frighten the boy. Taehyung understood that it might be difficult for Jungkook to agree to such a thing seeing as the older is his friend and all. But to Taehyung, he had no doubts about it and maybe he was being selfish by using this as an excuse to finally kiss the boy that he likes, but he didn't care. He didn't care because Jungkook had asked him to do this for him. If he hadn't then he wouldn't be here. Had Jungkook not requested this type of thing, then Taehyung would still be wondering what it would be like to kiss the younger. Now, he had a chance to get his answer. He knew that by the end of this, Jungkook would just go back to being his friend and probably find someone he likes. He knew that he would get hurt in the end, but it's the slight possibility that it could go the other way that is keeping Taehyung there, right now, sitting incredibly close to his crush. It was that one percent chance that he was willing to risk.

With his left hand on Jungkooks cheek, Taehyung's right hand slowly went to the younger neck pulling him closer, until the two could feel each other's breaths on there face. Both of there eyes lightly shut as they took in deep breaths. In just seconds Taehyung had finally got to feel the younger lips pressed to his. Maybe it wasn't in the way he'd hoped, but he still got his wish. Jungkooks lips were so soft that it almost made Taehyung forget everything. Slowly, Taehyung started to move his lips against Jungkooks and after a few seconds the younger had caught on, doing the same. Jungkooks once fearful thoughts had vanished and his heart paced in his chest, he had this funny feeling in his stomach. He couldn't explain it, maybe it had just been the rush of a first kiss, he thought.


Surprise! Aha ew why am I so weird?

Anyway I'm not going to have much WiFi for two weeks. There's a possibility that I will, but I also might not. Either way, I won't be uploading for a while. 

Have a wonderful Christmas, if you celebrate it and see you next year! c:

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