The Agreement Pt. 2;

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--Not Edited--

Taehyung thought about how he was going to tell his best friend that he fucks people for a living. He definitely could not just say that, cause then he'd think Taehyung was some kind of fuck boy or something. The way Jungkook saw the older mattered to the Taehyung. He wouldn't have the confidence in himself to have such a job if it weren't for Jungkook. An Idea popped into his head as he recalled the day he went in for an interview for the porn industry he was in now 'Angels' .

"How about I tell you a little story?" Taehyung spoke up finally breaking the silence. 

"But" Before Jungkook could say what he wanted to, Taehyung already knew what the younger was going to say and decided to cut him off.

"Don't worry, the story will explain everything."  Taehyung said softly grabbing the younger's hand and locking their fingers together.  Jungkook nodded his head and squeezed Taehyung's hand as a way of telling the older to go ahead with his story.

"Well, see I-I had this friend." Taehyung couldn't say it was Jungkook, he wasn't ready for the younger to know he liked-likes him. He didn't even know how the younger felt about him. "I had this friend that-that I liked and well he had overcome one of his biggest fears, for the most part. I had seen just how happy it made him and decided that maybe I to could do something that would make me happy." The older stopped for a little so that he could give Jungkook sometime to process what he was trying to say. 

"S-So doing the things you were doing to that boy..i-it makes you happy?" Jungkook questioned a little confused. 

"No, it's more than that, kook. See there was something that I really wanted to do but then-then I'd have to leave behind that friend I liked and I couldn't do that to him, I couldn't just up and leave, but I needed to find a way to make a living because know my parents cut me off and I needed to make money so I could have a nice house over my head and be able to eat. Of course Jin had offered me to work at his cafe and it was going fine until I had run low on the money from my parents, that I had saved and well I wasn't getting paid a lot at the restaurant which is understandable because I'd break more things than actually do work. Someone who had came into the cafe had given me a huge tip and their number. I didn't think anything of it until the said person came back to offer me a job. The job I have now." Taehyung explained not looking up at the younger to afraid to see his face. "At first I wasn't going to take it, because I mean I'd be naked online, doing things that I didn't want anyone to see and it embarrassed me at first, still does a little but it's my job and I get paid so much. I have a nice house and it's just nice. I don't hate my job, I mean people log on to the site to watch me, a lot. I'm kind of a big deal and it's weird because it's thanks to my body know. But it's nice you know? Anyway, I understand if you hate me or don't want to be my friend anymore.." 

The younger had been looking at his hyung the whole time he talked. At first he didn't know how to feel about his friend doing things with his body and getting paid, but after hearing his story, he understood it was something the older didn't mind doing. It made him happy because he had a way to make money and have a nice house. That was all Jungkook wanted for him, he wanted him to be as happy as he was with his career and now that he found out he was, he knew that he couldn't judge Taehyung for his job. "Tae Tae look at me." Jungkook whispered hoping to get the older's attention. 

Once Taehyung looked up, Jungkook began to respond to what he was just told, but before he could he had noticed the tears threatening to escape the older's eyes and grabbed him pulling him in for a hug. "Tae, I don't hate you. I couldn't hate you, you are my best friend. I may not like or even understand your job, but if it makes you happy and is what you want then I'm happy for you. Also you don't get hurt, alright?" Jungkook spoke still hugging the older.

When the two finally pulled away Taehyung wiped his eyes and gave Jungkook a small smile. "Thank you, Kookie. I don't know why I was so afraid and I'll- I'll explain more later about my job. I think you've learned enough for tonight." the older spoke giving Jungkook a quick hug and ruffled his hair. 

"S-So..does Jin hyung know?" Jungkook questioned.

"No! No one but you knows and please please, don't tell anyone." Taehyung almost shouted but stopped from doing so. Hoseok was a very light sleeper and he didn't want to wake him up.

"Of course, Hyung. I wont tell anyone. Promise" The younger smiled intertwining his pinkie finger with the olders. 

The two finally decided it was time to get some sleep. They had a long day ahead of them and so they needed lots of sleep. They laid side by side like usual, in their comfortable silence. As Taehyung's eyes fell closed and he was about to fall asleep, he felt the younger tug and his sleeve of his shirt making him quickly open his eyes and look to the younger "Yes?" He questioned. The younger hardly ever had anything to say, once they had laid down to sleep, so something had obviously been on his mind. 

"T-Tae..remember earlier, when I said I was tired of being the i-innocent one. That I wanted to learn a-about things." Jungkook stuttered.

"Yeah? What about it?" 

"W-Well...can-can you maybe.." 

"Can I maybe what? Jungkook what do you want. Come on its late and we need to sleep so just spit it out." Taehyung spoke groggily, just wanting to finally sleep.

"Maybe you could teach me. You know..things. So I'm not so innocent." The younger said glad that he didn't stutter and that it was dark and hiding his blush. 

It had been quiet for some time and Jungkook had begun to think that maybe Taehyung had fallen asleep, so he gave up and turned over. Just as he was about to shut his eyes he heard Tae speak, but couldn't quite hear what he had said "W-what?" Jungkook questioned wanting to know what he had said.

"Aish Jungkookie, why would you say something like that?" Tae questioned the younger.

"Tae, I'm serious" The younger whined, sitting up in his bed and turned on his lamp light. The older huffed sitting up since he wasn't going to sleep anytime soon.

"Look, Jungkook. What you are asking it's not something you can be taught." Taehyung spoke in a more serious tone.

"Tae please, I'll do anything. I'll pay you anything you want. Please?" Jungkook pleaded.

"I don't want your money. I'm not doing this Jungkook, end of conversation. Now, let's go to sleep." Taehyung said laying back down and covering up with the blanket.

"Tae...I-I'll tell the others about your job if you don't agree to this." Jungkook said. He felt bad that he had to go that far, but he really hated getting teased. 

That got the olders attention, he immediately got up again and looked straight at Jungkook. "Are you serious right now Jungkook? Are you seriously telling me that you'll tell our hyung's about my job if I don't teach you about sex and everything else." The older sighed and shook his head, he couldn't believe it. Jungkook was smart and he knew that the younger wouldn't back out until Taehyung agreed. 

"Aish, what am I to do with you. Fine. I'll do it, but there will be rules and I don't want your money. Just don't tell anyone and I'll keep teaching you. Now since I agreed can we sleep now?" 

Jungkook smiled and nodded, the two finally laid down to sleep. 

Taehyung knew that this wouldn't end well, especially because his feelings have been getting more deeper for the younger. He just hoped he could quickly help him, before he did anything stupid. 


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