"I'm a porn star."

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   -I rushed to edit this so sorry if there are mistakes-

   Taehyung had started to feel better, he was back to normal or as normal as he could be. After he got better, the newly dyed blonde haired boy decided he would stop moping around. It wasn't helping himself nor his friends and he started to feel bad for his older friend who took care of him, so the minute he felt better, Taehyung called up his work and talked about any new videos he could be in. He had missed so much in the week he stayed in bed and had he not been really good at his job, then he would have been fired. Luckily, they had just comeup with a new idea and wanted the blonde boy to be in it. Taehyung kept himself busy with work, he talked to his friends, he ate and it made Jin happy, but something was missing. Even though Taehyung had felt better and tried to go back to his daily life as best he could, he still didn't talk to the youngest boy. He'd see him at the friend gatherings and say hello, but that was as far as it went. The blonde was trying his best, but it was so hard seeing Jungkook. It took a lot in Taehyung not to crawl back under the comfortable blankets every day he got up, but slowly as he got used to being back in a routine, he'd start to get used to everything again.

"Hey, Tae" the smiley boy greeted his friend as he walked into the restaurant.

It was Friday night, which meant everyone got together to hang out. It had been a while since they had all been together in a room due to everyone busy with working and all.

 The only ones to show up so far were Taehyun, Hoseok, and Namjoon; Jin being there of course because it was his restaurant.

The four boys sat at the usual table, the sunshine boy sat on the left of Taehyung and the Namjin soon to be- couple across from the two boys.

"Hey, Hobi hyung." Taehyung greeted back, giving his older friend a smile as he sat next to him.

"Where's Jungkook, Hoseok?" Jin asked, usually the two would come together as they had lived together.

The smile faltered from the boy's face "Oh..uh, he-he's not coming tonight.." Everyone at the table knew why, but no one said anything. Jin just nodded his head, he'd check on the boy later. If he wasn't worried about the blonde, he was worrying about Jungkook. Although the younger was fine; he didn't lock himself in his room. He was eating well and even worked, maybe he worked a little too much, but he was doing okay.

A few minutes later the two other boys walked in and sat down at the table, one on each side.

"Where's-" Jimin was about to ask about the youngest boy until he saw Yoongi shake his head. The small boy looked between his friends before realizing what was going on.

No one spoke for a while and soon Jin got up to check on the food, Namjoon leaving to help him in case it was done.

Taehyung hated the silence, he hated it, even more, knowing that it was his fault for the quietness in the restaurant and the absent of the youngest boy. So, he decided maybe now was as good as time as any to tell his friends one of his secrets.

"I'm a porn star."

Everyone'sheads turned and looked at the blonde in shock, except for the older boy sitting next to him.

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