"Where do I sign?"

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// We will have a very special guest in this Chapter :-)

and Taehyung's boss will be revealed. hehe //

Taehyung had done many videos in his line of work, most of the video's had some of the same people he'd worked with before. Of course, there was always a first for everything. It's not like he'd always done this type of work, so when he first went there he hadn't known anyone, but as time went on he grew to know the few people he'd done videos with. There were a select few that the audiences liked to see him with and so his boss made sure that he did so. It had been a while since Taehyung had met a new person that would be filming with him, which in turn made things a bit easier for him. Taehyung liked when he knew the person well, he liked having the same person or people, when filming. 

Most of the videos were the same, he was either some type of fuck boy or he was a sweet person with a lustful mind, the other boy or on occasions – other boy's would always be the submissive type. They'd be a twink or some skillful submissive. But no matter the video, Taehyung would always top, he knew nothing different. It's not that he didn't like to switch to the occasional 'ass fucking', it's just no one ever seemed to want that from him. They liked how Taehyung dominated them, most of the few boy's being submissive's and all.

So, it was a bit of a shock as the blonde-haired boy walked into work that day to be told there was a new person he'd meet. Someone else that was very popular on the site, someone Taehyung hadn't expected. People in that type of business knew about everyone in it, Taehyung knew of this person, but had never met him in all his time he'd worked there. They'd both been held under the same company, they would be at the same place but never in the same room. Taehyung had always heard the stories of the older man; he even got curious himself and watched a few videos. It took a lot to surprise the blonde-haired boy, it took a lot to make him horny. His job was to fuck people and put it online for the world to see. He knew what went on to make the video's he knew that not all the time it was as it seemed. Yet the person had caught Taehyung's eye from the few videos he'd seen. Not a lot aroused him about his job, he grew used to it all. It was just a job and he didn't have any specific person he wanted to video with.

Yet the minute the older boy's name came out of his boss's mouth, the Taehyung got a bit excited. No, not that type of excited you dirty human. He felt as if he was meeting a celebrity in a weird way.

"What?" The boy spoke shocked as he looked to his boss.

"Yeah, I know...I was shocked when I heard he wanted to work with you as well, but Taehyung. You know the both of you top in all your videos." Jackson spoke running a hand through his hair.

The blonde knew this fact, he knew it and yet he still agreed to meet with the older boy.

"I want to meet him, see why he wants to work with me...maybe we can figure this out," Taehyung said as he twirled in the chair.

"Whoa... the Kim Taehyung wants to actually meet with someone who might- no will fuck him. I can't believe you are agreeing to this, I mean I've been trying to get you to try a video like that for years. What do you have a crush on him or something?" Jackson chuckled as he spoke his thoughts. He was right, Taehyung turned down anything that had to do with a dick anywhere near his ass. 

The blonde stopped spinning in the chair to look at the older; simply shrugging his shoulders "I never said anything about him fucking me. I just want to meet with him, we'll see from there." Taehyung spoke nonchalantly.

"Alright, I'll have someone get him."


"You wanted to speak to me?" A voice spoke as the door to the office opened up. The two who were sitting stood up and faced the man that just walked in.

Taehyung was in awe at the boy, he had a familiar face even though they had never met. There was something about the older man that struck Taehyung's curiosity.

The older looked to Taehyung before smiling and walking closer; he stuck out his hand for the blonde to shake.

"Well, I guess the rumors are fake either that or I'm just one lucky boy." He chuckled out.

"I'm Sungjin, it's nice to finally meet you Taehyung." With a smile on his face, Taehyung shook the older's hand before the two sat down.

"It's nice to meet you as well, Hyung."

"Oh please, just call me Sungjin." Taehyung nodded his head and the three boys started talking.

"So, I was telling Taehyung about your request." Jackson started. "He's not one to even meet with anyone who isn't the submissive type, at least not for work, so you might have a shot at this."

Sungjin nodded his head thinking for a moment before looking at the youngest in the room.

"Are you interested? I think we'd have a great time. You're well-known and so am I."

Taehyung thought about it for a moment. 

"You know what...It wouldn't hurt to try I guess?" 

"That's what I like to hear. This will be huge for you both." Jackson commented, a smile on his face.

The blonde sighed out, he looked across the desk to Jackson "Where do I sign?"

The younger hoped he wouldn't come to regret it. Although he had a feeling he wouldn't, he'd heard the rumors from boy's that had been with Sungjin. He'd even been with one of the boy's and they said many good things about him.


I cut that a bit shorter than it originally was.

I hope this chapter was okay :)

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