Rough times

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Sorry, it's been so long. I've been trying to work on my stories, but since I have some wifi I figured I'd publish this chap. Enjoy!


"Jin, please. He hasn't talked to me for days and I'm worried."

Jin sighed, Taehyung had asked that no one let Jungkook in to see him. He didn't want to eat or talk to anyone. No one but Jin was to go in and out of his room, which made everyone curious.  Jin had spent nights in the boy's room; holding the younger as he cried to sleep. He hated seeing his friend like that, he hated that Taehyung wouldn't eat most days.

"Kook...look we've-"

" I know hyung. I know that you're going to tell me we've already been over this, but you tell me I can't see my friend. What am I supposed to feel? Its been weeks and I'm so worried. Was sit something I said or did? Please hyung, please tell me. If you won't let me see him...then at least tell me if I caused this. I'll leave if I did. I won't try and bother him again, but please I just need to know why my best friend won't talk to me all of a sudden. "

What was Jin to do? He had one child who wouldn't leave his room, wouldn't eat and wouldn't talk to anyone. He had another child that wanted to know what he did if he hurt his best friend. Jin was stuck, he didn't know what to do and it was something new to the older boy. He couldn't think. He spent weeks trying to keep Taehyung alive and now he would have to tell Jungkook that yeah, it was his fault. The whole reason why Taehyung is this way right now was because of the youngest child. At times like these, Jin really wished he wasn't the mother of the group. He had to try and fix one of his children while telling the other news that would hurt him as well.

The oldest wasn't one to lie, he hated it and was absolutely against lying at all costs.

"Why don't you come in and have a seat," Jin spoke, moving to the side to let the younger boy in. He didn't know what exactly his plan was, but he'd improvise as he waited for Namjoon to get there.

Jungkook went and sat on the couch in the living room while Jin excused himself; telling the boy he was going to make some tea. Which wasn't a lie, he was going to make tea while he called the other parent of the group.

"Is Taehyung okay?" Was the first thing Namjion had said when he answered the phone.

It was sad that he knew the car had something to do with the honey-haired boy.

"He's doing okay for now, but that's not why I'm calling you. Joonie, I need your help." Jin pulled the kettle off the stove and poured the hot water into two cups.

"I'll be right there, don't worry." The younger boy spoke before hanging up so he could focus on putting pants on.

It was ruffly ten at night and Jin was very lucky that Namjoon hadn't fallen asleep just yet.

The older grabbed the two cups off the counter after pocketing his phone; then made his way into the living room. He was thankful that he'd just gotten Taehyung to sleep other wise he would have been worried to leave the boy alone.

"Here you go." He sat one of the cups down in front of the younger boy. Jin decided to sit on the opposite couch so it would be easier for them to talk.

"Thank you, hyung."

The two boys sipped on their tea before Jungkook brought up his question again.

"Are you going to tell me, hyung..if it's my fault." The older set his cup down on the table; locking his fingers together he sat his hands in his lap.

"It's not my business to say whether it's your fault or not Kook. As much as I want to give you an answer, the only one who can is Tae himself." The older spoke, he knew they weren't the words the younger wanted to hear, but he couldn't just go behind Taehyung's back.

The front door opened and closed making the oldest boy sigh out in relief.

Namjoon appeared from around the corner. He gave the older a light smile before looking at Jungkook.

"Hey, kook." Namjoon greeted before sitting next to Jin.

"I see what this is," Jungkook spoke; setting his cup down he looked between the older boys.

"You called Namjoon hyung...does he know too? Does everyone but me know?" Jungkook exclaimed, standing up.

"Jungkook you need to calm down. For one, yes. Jin hyung called me, but I don't know what's going on. I'm sure that Taehyung has only told him for a reason. You need to respect what he wants. Just give the boy time, I don't know what's going on, but maybe a little space will be good for him." Namjoon tried reasoning with the youngest.

"I just...I hate that he's not talking to me... it's hard because we normally see each other and-" the younger boy started to cry without even realizing it.

Jin quickly got up to comfort his child. "Shh, its okay kook. Everything will be okay. " the older rubbed circles on his back; Jungkook clutching onto his hyung as he hugged him.

It had taken an hour to calm the crying boy down before Namjoon walked the boy home.

Jin had his hands full with the two boys. He didn't know what he'd do if this continued on for much longer. He didn't know if Taehyung could even handle it. At the thought of the boy, Jin decided to go and check on him.

The light slowly crept into the room as Jin opened the bedroom door. Taehyung laid on the bed wrapped up in his blanket, but the boy wasn't asleep.

His teary eyes looked into Jins as the older walked into his room.

"Hey, what's wrong? Was it a dream?" The older questioned softly, running his fingers through Taehyung sweaty hair.

The boy needed to shower soon. Jin couldn't remember the last time Taehyung had left his bed. He hardly ate so he really didn't use the restroom all that much. Of course, Jin made him eat a little every day and drink water. He wasn't letting one of his children die on his watch.

Taehyung shook his head, not speaking. Even though he only let Jin in his room on most days he didn't even talk to the older male.

Jin wiped away the younger boys tears before motioning for Taehyung to move over. When he did, Jin laid down beside the boy and pulled him into his arms.

He lulled the boy to sleep once again that night.

Jin knew he'd have to come up with a solution to this before it got to bad. He couldn't stand to see Taehyung like this anymore. So, in the morning he would call Namjoon. If he was going to do this, then he'd need some help.

All he wanted to do was to get Taehyung out of his room, for him to eat three meals again and to see him smile rather than the normal frown that's taken up residents on his face.

It wouldn't be easy, but Jin would do absolutely anything for his friends- no, for his family.

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