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  -I'm sorry in advance-

 -Crushes are called crushes because they crush your soul and everything you stand for.-

Crushes were weird. You don't know when they happen, you don't know why and you cant control who you crush on.

   For Taehyung his first ever crush was Jungkook, his best friend. They had met in high school. The two completely two different types of people. They had there own groups, didn't share any classes together and so they never crossed paths. The first time they met was a mere accident. You see, Jungkook's rude friends thought it would be Hilarious to play a prank on him, in which got Jungkook caught and was given detention. Even though he hadn't anything to do with what his "friends" had done. Jungkook is one of the good kids he gets straight A's, is never late for class, he even stays after school to help out the teachers. His friends were the complete opposite. They only used Jungkook to get good grades. He had never gotten in trouble before and he was mad that they hadn't turned themselves in.

   Taehyung wasn't the bad boy of the school, he wasn't the good or the smart one. Taehyung was the wallflower, he knew about everyone, everyone except Jungkook. He hardly got in trouble minus the few times for detention because he was late. This time was a situation of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. He had been walking by when the prank took place and so the teacher nearby had assumed that he had to do with it as well. So the two ended up in detention together. At first it was a bit rough as Taehyung practically yelled at the younger boy for his choice in friends. Jungkook did feel bad and honestly the time he spent in detention made him really think about his so called friends. After calming  down, Taehyung apologized for his behavior to which Jungkook forgave immediately. After detention the two exchanged phone numbers. The next day at school, Jungkook ended his friendship with the guys. After that, Jungkook and Taehyung were inseparable. You wouldn't see one without the other. 

     "Fuck ugh...r-right there!" The petite male groaned out as Taehyung entered him (CRINGE UGH I HATE MYSELF) 

The older continued to ram into the younger who laid underneath him for a few more minutes before the two came.

"Cut! Okay good video today guys, Keep up the good work." The director patted the two male's on the back. The camera shut off and all the people started to pack up as both actors clothed themselves.

"Hey, you okay? You seemed a little out of it today. Anything on your mind, Tae?" Dae asked as he slipped into his pants. 

"Huh? Oh- uh...yeah just got a lot on my mind. Sorry." 

  Taehyung and Dae had met on the older's first day at work. Dae was I guess Taehyung's first, of course it was completely work related. The two had hit it off ever since they met and apparently their audience thought so too as they requested the duo quite often. I guess you could say that Dae was Taehyung's Best friend at work. They never really talked outside of work and didn't talk much about their outside lives. Although that was more of an agreement Taehyung made with himself. Dae always wanted to hangout outside of work, he wanted to talk and get to know Taehyung more than just on set.

"Come on.. maybe we can get a drink and talk about it?" Dae tried to persuade the older, he even gave puppy dog eyes, but Taehyung turned him down.

"I have something to do, cant. See you later." And with that Taehyung left.


"You're late Taehyung and you're sweaty what were you doing?" Jin complained as Taehyung walked through the Cafe door. 

Everyone had agreed to meet for dinner at Jin's Cafe. Of course the place was closed and no one except the seven boys were there.

"Sorry, had some stuff to do."  Taehyung said as he sat down beside Jungkook. 

"Are you okay, Hyung?" Jungkook whispered.

The older just nodded his head as he joined in on the conversation. 

Every Friday night the boys would all get together to eat dinner and catch up, but here lately everyone has been a bit busy so it's been a few months since they've really ate together. Of course they would see one another, but never for long enough to catch up. 

"So, Jungkook how is your modeling going? Anything new you're working on?" Jimin asked, taking a bite of his food after. 

"I had a shoot last week, but I'm actually taking a break." Jungkook claimed making Taehyung look at him shockingly.

"Why? " Taehyung questioned. See, he would know the answer if he talked to Jungkook. Ever since the kiss which was two weeks ago, Taehyung had made himself busy. He needed time to breathe and to understand things. The kiss through him off, it made his feelings for Jungkook all the more powering. 

"Oh..uh, I just wanted to take a break, I guess.." Jungkook spoke softly.

Taehyung only hummed in return, he couldn't believe that Jungkook was taking a break or that Jin let him take a break. Taehyung looked up and across the table to Jin who had already been staring at him. He gave the older a questioning look to which Jin just shook his head. 

The table was quiet after that, until Yoongi spoke up. 

"Well, I have a bit of free time myself, Why don't we meet up sometime and hangout, kook?" 

"O-Okay..yeah, we can do that." Jungkook stuttered out as he fidgeted around. No one seemed to notice, no one but Taehyung and he was all to familiar of the body language. Taehyung forced away his tears as he excused himself from the table and quickly went into the restroom. Of course he wasn't alone for even a second as Jin had followed him. Jin was the only one who knew exactly what was running through Taehyung's mind, not even Jungkook knew half of the time. But Jin, he always knew before Taehyung spoke, even if he didn't speak. Jin liked to say it was his motherly instincts. 

"Tae-" Jin tried to speak but was cut off by Taehyung.

"I'm fine Jin...Please I-I'm f-" Taehyung couldn't finish his words as his tears escaped his eyes. 

"I-I'm fine rea-" Jin pulled Taehyung to his chest, hugging him closely. 

"Shhh it's okay, it'll be okay." 



OH wow...look there an actual update? Me? what? 

I'm sorry, ahh I can't believe it's been so long. I've just been having trouble on what to write next. This is probably- no it is shit, but Hopefully someone thinks it's decent enough to read?

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