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Jungkook was eager to learn about all the new things. He was glad that he had convinced Taehyung -or blackmailed him- to teach him. Jin-Hyung being the mother in the friendship, always treated him more of a baby than anyone else did. He'd absolutely murder anyone that said anything dirty around his "Innocent baby kookie" as he'd call the younger. That's why Taehyung was unsure about agreeing, that and because he didn't think it was such a good idea. One being because, he had been in love with his younger friend since they were little and two, just because it would corrupt Jungkooks innocent mind. But yeah, he was definitely scared about the possibility of Jin finding out and well let's say, Taehyung wouldn't be alive after that.

As mentioned before, Jungkook was eager to learn new things that as soon as he woke up, he jumped up and down on his bed to wake up his hyung. He couldn't wait and didn't care if Taehyung wanted to sleep. One of the benefits of being the youngest was that you got whatever you wanted, all you had to do was act a little innocent and Jungkook knew all to well how to get his way. Being close to his six hyung's he has had lots of practice and most of the time got whatever he wanted unless it was from Yoongi since he didn't really care for Jungkooks innocence and cuteness. Yoongi was soft on the inside and Jungkook knew that he knew that Yoongi wasn't rejecting him to be mean, he only knew that once in a while the younger needed to hear the word "No". 

"T-Taee~" Jungkook whined out as he jumped up and down on the bed trying to wake his hyung up. It seemed as it wasn't going to work, normally Taehyung was a very light sleeper. Jungkook hadn't given up yet and continued to jump until his legs gave out. Thus, he moved onto poking the older, still nothing. With a huff, Jungkook sat on Taehyung's lap and tried waking him up by tickling his sides and when he felt a small wiggle and heard a groan coming from the older under him, he smiled in triumph. The older hadn't moved much after and so Jungkook continued until he saw Taehyung's eyes open widening up at the younger. "Tae-" He was cut off by Taehyung, he had flipped the two over so that he was now hovering over the smaller boy. "What do you think you were doing, Jungkook?" Taehyung asked in his husky morning voice.

"I-I just was trying to wake you up" Jungkook stuttered out. Taehyung was awfully close to his face. He could feel his cheeks begin to heat up as the older stared at him. Taehyung smirked moving his hands so that they were on either side of the younger's head. "Lesson one, don't sit on someone's lap when you want to wake them up unless you also wanted to wake something else up," Taehyung spoke in his usual deep voice, winking at the younger before moving off of him and leaving to the bathroom. 

 As Jungkook watched Taehyung leave the room, he slowly started to breathe again, trying to process what just happened. Before he could think any more on the matter, Taehyung came back "I suggest you take shower." The older said making Jungkook look at him with a confused expression on his face and as he was about to ask why Taehyung simply pointed down to Jungkooks lower region before smirking and leaving the room. 

With a blush on his cheeks, Jungkook looked down to see that he had a boner again. Sighing the younger got out of bed and grabbed some clothes before going to take a shower, a cold shower.

As soon as Jungkook had finished his shower, he could smell something cooking. At first, it smelled good until there was a hint of something burning. He soon realized that it was only him and Taehyung in the house. That being said he remembered the last time Taehyung had tried to cook food.

Jungkook walked out of his room and into the kitchen that had some smoke coming from it, frantically the younger ran into the kitchen to see what was happening. Luckily there was no fire and only some smoke, it seemed to have come from the stove and where it looked like Taehyung was making some eggs. "Hyung! Are you trying to burn my place down?!" 

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