Big News

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My eyes watered up and I stared at her in disbelief. My brain took his time to process the words that came out if her mouth seconds earlier

She was pregnant.

She has my pup. Inside of her.

I looked up her face once again to see a smile on her face disappearing.

"Are you sad? Because your pup..." Her voice broke, making her give me an unfinished sentence

I tackled her on the couch gentle as possible and kissed all over her pale face.
I still couldn't believe
"You are having my pup!" I shouted, startling her

I lowered myself and rolled up her shirt.
I stared at her belly, still dumbfounded

She giggled a bit, her sadness now gone

"Oh my god, you're pregnant!!" I gathered her in my arms, placing kisses everywhere my lips could reach

"For how long?" I still refused to let her out of my arms. She didn't fight back anyways.

"Three weeks"

"We conceived a pup on a sex week" I let out a breath, making me chuckle and look up. Meeting my eyes, she blinked twice and a smile crossed her beautiful face.

"I still can't fucking believe it!" She sat down next to me, but still was cuddled up to me.

"We have to tell everyone! Big celebration party! I can't wait for it to be in my arms! I have to start building it a room tomorrow!" I rushed, getting panicked. She only responded with a little laugh and a kiss.

"Calm down now, babe. Let's enjoy this evening together"
Okay guys, that was the first chapter.
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