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The next day, i woke up lazily. It was probably afternoon, way far behind from my normal wake up time.

Everything around me was wide awake, August air coming in through the creak opened window. Lazily, I got out of bed. I needed to get ready, since Grayson and I had to go to a meeting.

Land problems, all over again. The reason why both of us were extremely busy in these last couple of days.

"Good morning." Grayson's voice suddenly appeared in the doorway, making me look up quickly. He was now wearing nothing but white boxers, which looked slightly tight around his groin region.

I gulped, trying to walk pass him and not stare at the morning bulge he was having. He must have noticed that, since came after me into the bathroom smoothly. In the mirror, i saw a smirk decorating his lips.

"You want it." He said quietly and confidently. His chest was puffed out, muscular arms behind his wide back. With a deep breath, i turned to him.

"We are going to be late, you know that." I struggled to say, dirty thoughts already invading my mind.

With a huff of realization, he walked straight towards his dresser.

× × ×

He sat on the expensive leather chair, me right next to him. The huge table had at least fifteen couples sitting at it. most of them were not a threat.
But still, tension was floating in the big space.

All these Alpha males and so much pride was extremely dangerous.

"As i said, if we do not solve this problem, there will surely be a war. The land has changed, the border have been moved. That is why i suggest for all of us to shrink our borders for one hundred meters." Grayson spoke, my attention stolen by his outfit.

The way the white simple dress shirt fitted him was truly insane, making me have to cross my legs. And the pants...

Oh my dear Lord, i could almost see the clear outline of his manhood.

"That is unacceptable! I am not going to give up a piece of my land for nothing!" one of the Alpha's argued, all of our eyes shifting to him now.

His tanned skin hid so much anger and evilness underneath it. It ran in their bloodline, really.

"But if you-" his Luna started to talk also, her voice quiet and feminine. His bright eyes flew over to her, anger consuming them.

"Samantha, you have no say in this!" he exploded, his voice coming out as a growl. She looked down submissively, shaking from the fear that grew deep inside of her.

My anger switched on, the disrespect that was wearing off him was irritating.

"Alpha Lucas, i suggest that you calm down and preform your animalistic ways over at your Pack House, at your territory. We have serious business to discuss, which also includes a lot of people's lives. Along with our mates'." i warned, polite manner in my voice dripping with painful sarcasm.

I could swear i saw people at the table grin slightly, which fed my confidence even more.

"Grayson, calm your lady down." The man warned, making Grayson's posture straighten even more.

I could sense his wolf now fighting to come out, so i gripped his hand underneath the big table.

"My lady is perfectly right in everything she said. And i believe everyone at this table agrees. Your disrespect towards your mate and all of us is immature."

"And i suggest not to refer to her in a way like that." Another male at the table warned, getting full support from his mate

She was smiling brightly at me, which promised me that we would get along amazingly in the future.

With embarrassment and anger writing on his face, he sat back down and leaned back into a chair.

× × ×

"You were amazing." He kissed my lips when we finally arrived home, making me smile.

I kicked off my heels, my feet bruising underneath them. I could see an expression of slight pity on Grayson's voice.

"Want me to carry you?" he asked softly, still looking down at my feet. With relief, i smiled.

"Yes please." I said, making him laugh as he effortlessly picked my body up, carrying it to our bedroom.

I took clothes before i walked to the bathroom, wanting to wash all the stress off me. The meeting was long, four and half hours to be exact.

While in the cold shower, my mind flooded back to Grayson. How he looked and spoke, everything seemed intimidating and on point.

God, i loved him.

But something that also came to my mind was the chaos that was happening.

My mother...
His family...
All the dark, dirty secrets he was hiding.

I wanted to know who i shared my bed with.

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