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My mouth went agape and i stared at her, my eyes already watering from all the horrible things she told me.

"Oh my... god." My voice cracked, making me grip my neck and close my eyes.

I was feeling dizzy.

She took my shaky hand in her warm one and gave me an apologetic look.

"Dear, i can not describe how sorry I am that you are destined to someone like him." her voice was shaky and her words quiet.

"I'm sorry... i have to go now." I stood up and with fast steps, walked outside.

I shifted and ran back to Pack House.


I was now face to face with him. He looked at my bare body and then back to my face, confused.

"What happened?" He asked, his voice coning out so smooth and deep as always.

"Grayson... why didn't you tell me? why didn't you tell me about your family!" I asked, feeling the tears fill up my eyes slowly.

"Amanda, what the fuck are you talking about? where were you?" He asked, handing me a shirt of his that he took off.

I refused it, my rage rising drastically.

"Why decent you tell me you killed my mother?!" I screamed from the top of my lings, feeling my canines grow out.

I did not even try to calm my wolf down. Even though he was my mate, we were still angry as hell.

His eyes widened with surprise and he opened his mouth to speak, but nothing but a small whine came out.

"You do not understand why i did that, just please listen to me!" he pleaded as he ran after me and up the stairs.

"I do not want to listen to anything, do you fucking understand?!" I yelled and before i could register anything more, he slammed me against the wall and pinned my hand above my head with a slam.

"Will you listen?!" he yelled at my face, making my nostrils flare.

"I hate you." I snarled, earning a low chuckle from him.

"You hate me? Baby, you would not make a child with me if You hated me." He whispered in my ear, making me turn my head to other direction.

That's when the little pup came to my mind, making a tear roll down my cheek.

"Let go of me, this instant. Or i swear to you, your balls will possibly fall off." I stared into his eyes, fire flaming back at me.

He snarled, showing me his canines that were coming out.

What did i do to myself...

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