Secret Room

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The next morning, he was not in bed next to mine.
I knew he was in his office, do i just let it go.

I took a shower and got ready, reading down to take a breakfast.

The house seemed really empty. I can't wait until our little boy runs around here, laughing.

I will do everything to make that little one happy. 

I ate my breakfast, deciding that i would catch a movie. I haven't relaxed in a while.

"Where's the comforter?" i asked myself, looking around the living room.

It was probably in the attic. I climbed up the stairs and walked towards it, feeling the air getting colder with every step i took.

I opened the doors and noticed the comforter i was looking for. It was on the highest shelve


I tried to reach it, but I simply couldn't. So I just stepped on shelves like ladder.

I took it, but That's when I noticed something that made shivers run up my arms.

There was a door behind the shelves.

"What the fuck?" i whispered, putting the comforter on the ground.

I tried to pushing them away, but They wouldn't budge.
I finally pushed with all the strength that i had in my body. I finally moved them.

I opened the doors lightly and peeked my head.


Just, old things.

But, why would they be hid here? Is something so Important about them?

Why was he hiding it from me?

I was about to walk in, when i heard him call my name.
"Amanda?! baby, where are you?!"

i took the comforter and walked out, leaving everything in a mess.

He doesn't even go here.

I walked down the stairs and in the living room, seeing him on the couch.
"Where were you?" he asked as i sat down next to him.

"In the attic. I was taking the comforter." I said, feeling him getting tense all of a sudden

He knew.


When he finally fell asleep in 2AM, i decided that i was going to check the room.

I took the flash light from the kitchen, since there was no light switch in the attic

i carefully moved, knowing that he could be easily waken up with his Alpha senses.

I walked inside if the mystery room, seeing all kinds of things.
Baby things, photo albums, old furniture...

I brushed my hand over the baby bed, seeing some initials drawn into the wood.


Ethan Dolan. This was Ethan's bed when he was a baby. But, where was Grayson's?

The next thing i saw were photo album stacks.

I started flipping one over. There were pictures of two twin babies laughing.

Ethan And Grayson.

But There was one picture that made me slam shut the album.

There was a picture of them two. But In the background... there was a big black wolf Hiding in the bushes, with a really pale woman by his side.

I don't know who were they.

Maybe his parents?

when i think about it, we never talked about his parents.

"We'll see later." i said, standing up and walking out.

I had to find out why there was no his baby bed.
And who were the wolf And the woman.

I had to know it all

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