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Waking up on a cold hard platform, I instantly noticed my surroundings. The usual tall and thick pine trees were now replaced by four metal walls, with almost no light coming inside. The only light source was coming trough the claw marks on the walls which weakened the strong material.
Wanting to get up from the dirty and bloodied floor, I tried pushing myself up. But I could not do such thing, since big heavy chains were wrapped around my weak and trembling limbs. My wobbly knees giving up on carrying my whole body weight, I fell back down into the dust.
The cold feeling of the air around me made me hug my knees in a try to warm myself up. But nothing seemed to help, goosebumps were still spreading out through my body, feeling like knives poking my sensitive and filthy skin.
"Is there anyone?" i asked, surprised on how dry and weak my voice sounded. Trying again, I screamed for some kind of help.
Panic and fear mixed up in me, making every other emotion irrelevant at that moment. With my whole body trembling and my brain in a clutter, I could not even tell when someone entered the small room. It was a prison cell, not even a proper room. Looking up, i watched as the person in front of me walked around me in circles. Watching me like a hawk, he carried a proud smirk on his lips that he did not even try to hide.
"Grayson?" I called, my voice cracking and giving up on me also.
He crouched right in front of me, his arm muscles tensing as he gripped one chain on my right leg.
Wincing, i cried in pain as he pulled it.
"Look at us, Amanda. Isn't this perfect?" He commented, making my eyes go wide once again. I could not believe what came out of his mouth. And the tone that he talked with was simply too haunting.
"W-what are you talking about? Pl-lease, let me go. I will do anything." I begged, tears now spilling down my cheeks like waterfalls.
He laughed, as if I said the funniest joke ever.
"Anything? You did enough, you dirty slut! You even got pregnant with that mutt, cheated on me." He spat bitterly, pointing over at my slowly growing belly. I shook my head violently, denying what he said.
"The baby is yours, Grayson!" I shouted, making him wince slightly. He rose himself up to his feet suddenly, making me crawl back against the wall.
"You filthy liar!" he shouted, running towards me in a spring. In the moment that I screamed in, light came back.

I woke up, jumping from the sheets that i damped with my own sweat. With my gasps for breaths, I woke my sleeping mate up.

"What happened?" He asked, still half asleep.

I closed my eyes for a second, convincing myself that it was only a bad dream. Grayson would never say that to me.

"Just a nightmare, I'm sorry." I mumbled, laying back down and closing my eyes.

Opening my eyes, I was again in the same cell as before. The same depressing, grey walls surrounded me all over again. But the only difference this time was that they had light splutters of red liquid all over them.
"I guess you wandered off for a little while." i heard a low grumble and looked to my right, seeing Grayson's face again. This time, he has splashes of blood covering his neck and the corner of his mouth.
He licked the blood, making me spill another tear.
"We will no longer have to deal with it." He said, pointing at me again. All if my worst thoughts were confirmed as soon as i looked down at myself, seeing blood flowing out of me. Tears were now falling on their own. Loss overtook me, screams ripping from my throat.
"My baby!!"

I FINALLY UPDATED, please don't kill me

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