First Clue

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After waking up from the traumatizing nightmare, I sat up in the big bed and stared around the room, as if I never saw it before.
Grayson was gone, probably sitting I his office and solving pack taxes.

I rose from the bed, my knees buckling beneath me as I started making my way over to the bathroom. The bathroom smelt strange, a strong scent of bleach stinging my nose.

With a grimace, I brushed my teeth and washed my face before gladly exiting the chemical washed room.
After slipping into  comfortable clothes that were appropriate for wearing around the house, I let my curiosity take over.

I had so much questions that I was not able to answer.

Why did Grayson have pictures of me when I was a child?
How did my mother know him before he killed her?

All those things lingered around my brain, making me want to see a person that would hopefully answer all that without anything holding her back.

So I made my way downstairs and was about to exit the house, but sensed my mate's eyes burning holes in me. Turning around, I noticed as his figure was leaning on one of the doorframes.

"Where are you going?" He questioned as his hazel eyes were pooling with suspicion already

"I am going for a run, I was stressed lately." I said, it partially being the truth

His eyebrows knitted, he took a few steps towards me.

"Stressed? Because of what?"

"Pregnancy does that." I used my card well, making him nod and turn around towards his office

"be safe" he mumbled before disappearing behind the big door, finally letting me exit the house that started feeling like prison.

I jogged out, stripping off my clothes and tying them to my leg before letting my animal out.
The cracking of bones could be heard moments before all my senses became sharper.

The woman let me in, sending me a small warm smile that unfortunately did not calm my nerves down

"How can I help you, my child?" She asked as we sat down a small couch

Breathing out, I prepared myself for the possible truth

"I keep on finding things, and they are not good." I admitted, making her look at me with confusion lacing her facial expression

"what things?"

"I went to the attic again, and I saw a picture of myself when I was a child. Along with a letter that my mother wrote to Grayson.. Then he found me there, had a mental breakdown... I am so confused"

She placed her hand on my knee as a form of comfort that i desperately needed. Looking at her again, I noticed as her eyes held something strange. A raw emotion, various of them. They were melted together, mixed into one sad frown on her face. Thankfully, her emotions were pure.

Since I saw anger being one of the many emotions, I made me wonder why

"Child... You need to run from that man."

I just told my mom I am failing Math and Chemistry, she was not even mad...
What is going on?!

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