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It was 3AM. All over again. I was awake, thinking about that room.

I wasn't able to see everything.

I climbed out of bed, slowly walking up the stairs.
The room was the way i left it.

I looked around all over again. There was a portrait on the wall. It was beautiful.

It was a man and a woman. A man sitting on a throne with a woman standing on his left side.

The man was bulky and his features were very dark. His face and arms were covered in scars.

He looked terrifying

And the woman, she was so tiny. Her fair skin matched her blonde hair and her glowing blue orbs.

She was wearing a summer dress, it was really pretty.

Who are these people?

The next thing my eye spotted was a big black box.
I opened it carefully, expecting something to jump on me.

But, it wasn't anything dangerous.

It was a purple crystal, it's edges were turning blue.

"Wow." I thought and was about to leave it in the box, when it started glowing.

I threw it in the box and took few steps back.

The light was getting more and more blinding.
"Find her." A soft and gentle female voice sang, making everything in me go numb for few seconds

"Who are you?" i asked, hesitantly getting closer

With every step i took, her voice was getting more beautiful. 

"Find Queen Of Orian." She sang and this time, i saw her.

That was the woman. The woman from the portrait!

"Who? who are you?" i asked again, getting scared all of a sudden

She grinned and touched my face with her delicate hand.

Her touch was so soothing, so warm. I almost could feel my mother's touch in hers.

"You will find out when the time comes, dear. Go and find the Queen Of Orian. She will tell you what to do." She sang and disappeared.

The room was back to dark and it seemed like it was my imagination.

The only thing that Told me she was really there was my cheek. The place where she touched me.

It was feeling warm, almost burning.

I returned to my room, seeing that it was now 4AM.

I went to sleep, but The picture of the woman kept waking me up. On the end, i snuggled up to Grayson's chest and finally laid calm.

What did just happen and who was The Queen Of Orian?

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