His Death

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As the night came upon us and the moon shone on the sky proudly, I sat on the very edge of the bed that I shared with my mate and waited anxiously for the clock to tick 12.

Every passing second seemed to extend itself, getting longer and longer.

Gazing down at my sleeping mate, I could not help but to strangle out a tear that threatened to fall for a long time now.
He looked so innocent and pure while his lips were slightly parted, long eyelashes dropping down to his upper cheeks.

My wolf begged me to stay, knowing that she would prison herself as she would be left without a beloved mate that she adored for so long now without knowing his real self.

He was a criminal, a true villain hiding behind all the good I saw in him.  

Looking away painfully, I saw as the clock has ticked 11:58.
My anxiety skyrocketed as I got up and took a duffel bag that contented all of my belongings, tip toeing over to the door.

Suffering eternally, I looked behind one last time and soaking up all the memories we made in this room.

We made a child here. Our heir, possibly the future leader. But, we couldn't stay, since the father of this child was extremely dangerous for both of us.

I had to leave, now.

Wiping away the tears sluggishly, I inhaled deeply and prepared myself for the run of my life as I quietly exited the very much familiar house.

Outside, just behind one of the large trees, stood a short figure that I instantly recognized to be Helena. With a small grin, she started waking over at me with quick pads against the grassy moist ground.

"Amanda, have you gathered everything you need?" She asked quietly as she hugged a black coat closer to herself.

Nodding curtly, I have decided to ask her the question I forgot to ask yesterday.

"Helena... Where are we exactly going?"

She seemed confused for a slight moment before she answered me
"Far away, that is all it matters. Your child will grow amongst humans, but at least there won't be any wolves." She informed me, the thought of humans being close to my baby was unbearable and even disturbing.

But, I had to do what was the best for both of us.

Without another word, she started walking in the direction where a human civilisation laid. It was a rocky road that led to a small town that was about twenty miles away from here.

Being so close to Pack House was risky, but wolves were always secretive of our species.

As we started our journey, I could not help but to feel a slight pain in my chest area that started pulsating in heat.

I was going to be fine.

Just as we exited to the closest field, I heard a voice that made my blood freeze in my body.

Before turning around, I shared a wide eyed look with Helena. She clearly was not scared, but me on the other hand, I was terrified.

"What are you doing?" He growled, starting to approach me with big furious steps that almost made the ground to shake.

But before he could even get to me, Helena stood in between us and glared hardly at the tall man before us that radiated with fury.

"Helena, you old mutt, you should've died awhile ago." He snarled, making her let out a humorous chuckle almost instantly.

"She knows everything, Grayson. Everything about your filthy secret that you wanted to carry with you to your grave." She stated proudly, making him look up at me with pure horror lingering in his eyes that began to darken.

I could do nothing but to stand there, not being able to calm my racing heart down a single bit.

"And now she will leave." Helena added, confirming the previous actions I have made. Grayson moved her small body out of the way with a sickening easy, making her stumble.

"Mate." He whined, his wolf now becoming desperate for my wolf.

"No mate, Grayson you lost your mate the same moment I found out about this!" I shouts furiously through the heavy tears that were splashing down my cheeks.
"Why? Why all those innocent people? Even children! You are a sick piece if shit." I screamed at him, my vocal cords threatening to break.

His eyes shifted from his to his wolf's, showing that he did not like when I spoke to him like that.

"Amanda!" He roared viciously, getting even closer to me at this point.

"Get away from her Grayson, this is a last warning." Helena's voice could suddenly be heard, making him turn around with a sarcastic laugh ripping from his throat.

"I should've killed you too when I had the chance." He purred evilly at her, showing his growing canines.

He pretended as if this was some kind of a sick game that everyone was willing to play, that is until he won.

"You never had the chance, that is the vicious truth. When you couldn't kill that bastard of your father when you had the chance, you can't even lay a flat finger on me." She defended herself verbally, him shaking with fury as soon as she mentioned his father.

He suddenly roared, lunging himself at her. Letting out a horrified scream, I was prepared to see her being ripped to shreds.

But what I actually saw almost knocked the air out of my lungs.

Grayson's struggling body was lifted high up in the nighttime air while Helena said Latin words out loud, a some kind of spell being thrown at him.

I was shocked, but finally could move as I walked towards her and cried, asking her what she was doing to him.

"I am finishing him, like I was supposed to awhile ago." He murmured out as he moved her hand forcefully, instantly making a bone in his leg to break.

Letting out a struggled gasp as I listened to him scream out in pain, I turned my gaze back to her.

"Stop please!" I begged, wanting for him to live.

"Amanda if I don't kill him now, he will eventually kill us!" She shouted as another bone in his body broke
"Step away now!" She screamed loudly, making me obey in a blink of an eye

Spitting out unknown words, she made Grayson's back bend as she dropped her hands to her sides, making him slump back to the ground.

Running up to him, I took his injured head in my hands and watched as his tired looking eyes blinked a few times just so he could focus his eyesight better.

"Grayson." I cried uncontrollably.

"Take care of that baby." He struggled to say, letting me know that these were his last words before he sunk into death.

"We know, both of us, that I wouldn't be able to do that. I... I love you." She whispered before he let out a cough, blood splattering out of his mouth and on my hands.

Crying, I hurriedly got up and stared at the limp body of a man that I loved.

"From now on, it is just you and the baby." Helena said as she took my duffel bag and started carrying it, telling me to follow her again.

With a faint soft 'I love you' I started moving my heavy legs and walked away to a fresh start.

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