Chapter Nine

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The truck door slammed shut behind me, but the engine didn't start. The look on Lucas' face told me everything. He knew. He had either been the one who'd taken me to my room or been told about it by the one who had. That left one question in my mind.

"Mason doesn't know anything about last night," he spoke as if reading my mind, "and you probably figured out your dad doesn't either."

"Neither of them need to find out." I spoke but didn't expect an hour. Mason didn't care and my dad had enough to worry about without adding a rogue attack to the list.

"Was there any other wolves besides the one you killed?" His question came out of nowhere and froze my thoughts. It had been one thing to know I'd ended someone else's life but it was another thing to have someone else voice it aloud. And I almost couldn't handle the godawful fact in the tense air.

"A male, and the mate." I spoke, realizing the death sentence I'd created for myself.

His hands tightened around the wheel.

"Please tell me that it wasn't-"

"It was."

"Ah hell, you know Mason's gonna find out sometime." Lucas said, scratching his head in the back. I sighed and turned to face him.

"Please Lucas, don't tell Mason, he already thinks I'm weak."

"So you'd rather chance your life than lose dignity?"

"He doesn't care."

"You don't understand Mason at all."

"Mason doesn't understand me at all." I snapped out, all of the polite pretense I'd been trying to have with Lucas was gone. I didn't care that it was extremely rude of me to order him, but I knew he would listen, "and you don't either if you don't know why I need this not to get out. Just leave it alone okay."

Lucas smiled dryly and shook his head,"I know neither of you would agree but the two of you have way more in common than you admit."

"Shut up Lucas." He just laughed.

It was strange given that he'd teased me and compared me to Mason, but I felt a strong connection to Lucas. I felt like, given a little bit of time, he would be as close as any one of my friends from my old pack.

His boisterous, buoyant personality was easy to keep on with. He didn't need to fill silence, but when he did, there was no worry that what he'd say would be uncomfortable or awkward. The short ride to school was filled with a silence forgotten every time we talked, as if it had never been.

When we did arrive, so late that first hour was half over, a vaguely familiar boy stood outside of the school, and I realized he'd been one of the men outside our house the day we'd arrived.

He nodded and went in, Lucas nodding back. "I guess I'll see you then," he called as we separated in the hall, I nodded back to him, mocking the two men and it was met with a deep chuckle.

Well Mason was livid. I just rolled my eyes. Lucas had made my day live-able and Mason wasn't going to ruin it. I just went and sat down. The girl was still gone, Lizzie told me she'd been transferred out but the seat next to Lizzie was gone. When I passed her she mouthed that somebody took it with a wide-eyed sorry look on her face, then glanced back at the fuming Mason and mouthed back to me 'sorry'. Since it would look stupid for me to drag the stool over next to her, I rolled my eyes and sat, tuning into the movie's narrator as he spoke about past presidents.

So he was moody, the rest of the class looked absolutely fearful. I just huffed, determined not to let him bring me back down.

"Where were you?" Mason grunted under his breath so that only I could hear.

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