Chapter Thirty-One

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I had shoved past the hospital doors, the nurses and the doctors. I was a werewolf, I could smell that s.o.b.'s path. I knew where he'd been. There was no question left in my mind the moment he had looked me in the eye and smiled that evil grin.

I didn't have to finish sprinting the hallway. At the end, there was an open door with a white board sign beside it that read my father's name. Through the window and in between each line of the shade, I could see his form. Doctors, nurses, technicians were filling the room, rushing to it as one single note resounded through the ward. It was a beep that had stopped, a heart that was no longer needed, a life that no longer lived here.

I don't know how long I stood, frozen even in my thoughts. But the moment life crashed back into me, I was in action.

Turning where I was, I lashed out, ready to chase after the rogue responsible for making me an orphan. The logical part of my brain would have reasoned that he was long gone at this point. But no part of me was able to act logically.

Arms surrounded me and even though I fought, kicking, punching, screaming my lungs raw, yelling to the point that no sound came out, they stayed there, steady, strong, secure, safe. None of those things could ease the raging storm ripping through me. But all together, in the embrace of my mate, a grip held my soul and gave it the strength to fall apart.

My attack ended and I leaned in to Mason's chest, tears flooding down my face at a constant rate. Great sobs heaved my entire body and only Mason's arms could keep me from the feeling that my entire body was going to break apart from the force my despair had hit me at.

''I promise you, my angel, that man will not live.'' Mason growled, when my water supply seemed to have dried up and my energy to do anything but cling to him was dwindled to nothing, so lowly, so deeply, I couldn't do anything but believe him.

I was quiet. Lucas and had arrived. I felt his hand on my back for a moment as he gave me a comforting pat. Lizzie and Page met us outside, worried looks painted over both of their faces. In Mason's arms, I was carried to the truck in a daze. My view seemed so grey, so dim.

Mason set me in the passenger side and I pulled my legs up so my chin rested on my head and I could wrap my arms around them. Mason walked around and got in. My wolf made a feeble effort to have me slide over to his side and rest in his lap. But I was too tired. I was too tired. The silence apart from the static of the radio was distant and yet welcomed.

We arrived, but I didn't get out. Mason walked around again and opened the door, but this time, he didn't reach for me. He only leaned against the frame of the door, his leg pulled up so his foot rested on the track and his other arm reached so his hand held the dash.

''Please don't do this,'' he whispered gently. I didn't respond.

''Do what?'' I wanted to say, but that would only make me sound like I was pouting. I wasn't pouting, I was mourning.

''I know, this is going to be difficult, but you have me,'' he tried, his voice sounding somewhat desperate.

''He was my only family,'' I tried, my voice came out hoarse and so soft that with the time he took to respond, I almost hoped he hadn't heard me.

''Ava, we are all we have. You are all I have. Please don't distance yourself from me,'' his words reminded me. He'd lost his parents as well. He had been even younger. He knew this feeling of abandonment.

Slowly, with much effort, I slid my legs down and to the side of the seat so they hung limp on either side of him. My arms went up and wrapped around his neck, pulling him in. Our lips connected, and through the taste of salt and sadness, his mouth was like a healing salve on my wounds, deep as they may have been.

I sighed and pulled him even closer as his hands fell to my waist. His skin brushed where my shirt had slid up and shivers ran through me at that small contact. His fingers pressed, almost massaging along my hips, causing a gasp to leave my mouth as his lips did as well. He kissed a trail down my from the corner of my mouth, to the corner of my jaw all down to my collarbone.

My feet curled up around Mason's wast and no longer was I seated on the leather of the bench. His hands fell down to my thighs to support me and I was held up against the side of the truck's cab while he continued to explore with his mouth. My face fell against the top side of his head and the soft bed of his hair tickled my face and filled me with his scent.

Mason straightened out, the look in his eyes most likely as lust-filled as my own. I'd slid a couple inches down and could now feel the firmness of his member near my core. He pulled me away from the truck for a moment, threw open the door to the back seat and set me inside, crawling in behind me.



Hey guys, I know it's been awhile since Ava and Mason have graced our lives with their presence. School started and I got carried away with the new schedule so bear with me as I get reverted back to school life. I do really want to continue and end their story at some point, so I will try to update as often and with as much length as possible. This was just a little special bit before I really get back to the story.

Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day everyone!


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