Chapter Fourteen

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The truck parked outside of my temporary house and I looked on, knowing this conversation was bound to happen eventually. I sighed, I really didn't want to find my dad in there.

"Ready?" He asked. I shook my head,"Aw, c'mon Ava, your dad has to meet me sometime."

"He has met you," I stalled stubbornly, he sighed in response.

"Not as your mate," he corrected, and this time it was my turn to sigh, as he exited his side and walked around the front.

"Oh that's what you are?" I teased, he popped open the door and dragged me out, growling. I giggled as he landed kisses all over my neck.

"Yes," his husky voice claimed and I smiled, pecking him back and jumping down to the ground.

"Let's go," I decided and we walked up to the porch. As soon as we were in, I called,"Dad?"

''I'm down here!'' He called back, the door to the basement was open. The noise of a band saw began and I knew he was in his workshop.

''Can I talk to you up here?'' I yelled back, causing Mason to send me a questioning glance. I sighed, if I was going to tell my dad that Mason was my mate, and that he probably wanted me to stay with him, as in his house, his room, his bed, for an indefinite period of time, then I wasn't going to do it while he had access to countless tools.

''Be right up!'' He called, and I could hear as tools were set down, the lights shut off, and steps up the stairs, a banging I might have flinched to if Mason's hand weren't in mine.

''Hey dad,'' I smiled, feeling as though it was noticeably fake to the other two people in the room with me. My words met silence, my dad too stunned by the sight of me holding Mason's hand, and Mason too calm, waiting, to say anything and stir the last moment of balance.

''What's going on here Ava?'' My dad's voice was stern as he grabbed his towel from his belt, revealing a hammer hanging from another loop. I subconsciously pulled Mason closer behind me by stepping a bit in front of him.

''Umm,'' I stuttered, eyeing the hammer, and gulping.

''Ava is my mate, sir,'' Mason said smoothly, sliding around me despite my feeble efforts.

''Alpha,'' my dad approached him slowly. I noticed his hand flicker in the direction of the hammer, but instead he reached out to shake Mason's outreached grip. Then he peered around Mason's hulking figure, and I realized how small my dad was compared to him. My dad wasn't short, he was about 5'11, and had a lean enough build. Mason though, reached well above 6' and was nearly twice my dad in shoulder width. I approached the pair of them,''Is this true Ava?''

He didn't need an answer, but I took Mason's wrist in both of my hands, standing by his side and nodding. For the first time since we'd gotten in the truck to come over here, I smiled.

''Yeah, he's my mate,'' I finally replied, leaning my head against Mason's arm and finally starting to relax. My father crossed his arms over his chest and peered up at Mason.

''Well, you better treat her right,'' my dad informed Mason, gruffly. A small smile appeared on my face, which I attempted to hide at the way my dad was now sizing up the Alpha.

''Wouldn't dream of doing anything else, sir,'' Mason spoke clearly and sincerely.

''I'm gonna go get some more clothes,'' I smirked, skipping past the pair quickly.

The last thing I heard before ascending the stairs was,''Clothes, what does she need clothes for?''

I shut the door to my room behind me, shaking my head at the conversation I'd left down there.

''Isn't that sweet, the father and mate are meeting for the first time?'' A woman's voice chilled my every sense.

I opened my mouth to scream, when I was held up by my throat, a hand clamped over my mouth. Who was holding me, you ask. None other than the woman that had invaded my nightmares, both sleeping and waking.

''What was that?'' She asked, feigning interest, then her eyes hardened,''Oh right, you can't talk to me. Neither can he.'' I knew who she meant. The one I'd killed, her mate. He was gone, because of me.

The reminder of my fighting ability brought back the senses I'd lost in my momentary lapse of fear. I kicked out at her gut, reached up and twisted her wrist, landing and tackling her to the ground, with her arms clamped to the floor and her torso pinned as I sat atop it.

Her eyes narrowed at me,''Go ahead, do it. Kill me too, you don't know what you'd be putting yourself up against, you little girl.''

I hissed, but was cut off as I heard the latch to the door and turned as it swung open, revealing Mason. When I looked back beneath me, she was gone, the curtain at my window, swinging in a unnaturally created breeze.

Mason's growl ripped through the room as he took in her scent and he stepped over to me, grabbing me in one arm.

''Get your clothes, we're leaving now.'' He hissed under his breath. I hurried to my dresser, taking a few pairs of pants, shorts, a couple shirts and some underwear. I figured anything I missed I could pick up tomorrow. My dad's defeated form stood on the porch, looking out into the forest solemnly. I sighed and went to hug him on our way out, reaching around from the back.

"Stay safe, Ava,'' he sighed, reminding me of what Mason had told me before I'd left for school this morning.

''I promise Dad, I'll stop by tomorrow-'' I told him softly.

''Ava!'' Mason yelled from the truck. I rolled my eyes and pecked my dad's cheek, not loosening my grip because Mason had ants in his pants.

''You better go,'' my father finished and I nodded.

''You stay safe too, Dad,'' I reminded him, walking to the truck.

''Don't worry about me,'' he laughed, waving as we pulled away. I sighed, I did worry. That girl had made it inside of our house so easily. And since I took somebody close to her, what if she took somebody close to me?

I just trusted that my dad knew how to take care of himself.

''He'll be fine, I still have patrol around here,'' Mason reminded me.

"Yeah, because they worked so well just now,'' I snapped back and he growled in response.

''Ava, was that the girl?'' I nodded as he asked, and he was silent for a few moments,''She's not going to get near you ever again, don't worry.''

''I'm not the one who should be worrying, I was on top, remember?'' I asked, but even so, her threat that if she were to die, worse would be on my tail sat uneasily with me. I just decided to add it to the pile of stuff to worry about, including the fact that the reason for my emotional damage and physical scarring was going to be our house guest in about a week.

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