Chapter Thirty

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My paces had nearly created a rut in the floor of my cell. Yes, I was speaking of the cell my ''so-called mate'' had placed me in. Now, of all times, he chooses to lock me up? MY father was near death and I had this one chance to see him before he either died or survived this most recent attack. But in Mason's mind, that meant obviously we should nip any chance like that in the bud. He was so not getting any for the rest of his life.

''Ava,'' Mason's growl broke my deep thought. At his deadpan glare, I couldn't help but be amused by the fact that he'd heard that thought.

''It's the truth. You are literally the only reason I cannot see my dying father. If you expected me to put out after th-''

The faces of the nearest guards had gone scarlet as Mason let out a deep roar. He'd punched the stone wall. Yup, there was a dent, in the wall and Mason's head, where his brain should be, though I hadn't seen anything make contact with his head. It must have always been that way. Maybe he got dropped as a child, or thrown at a wall.

''Ava!'' He broke in yet again, slamming the door open and trapping me in a corner. Suddenly the scene changed. I wasn't in Mason's territory, I was in Jackson's. Instead of my mate, the monster that haunted my dreams for so long was hulking over me. I'd crawled as deep into the corner as I possibly could, still searching for a way to distance myself further.

''Please, don't hurt me. Not again,'' I squeaked. All of my resolve, all of my strength, had completely evaporated.

Jackson above me stood stock still for a moment, and then turned to his guards and gestured them to leave. I shut my eyes tightly, hoping he would just get it over with. He was going to do it again. I hoped I would be numb enough that the pain wouldn't wrack through me like it did every time.

In a second, his hands were on me. ''Jackson!'' I squeaked, only to be met with a foul growl. But this time they sent warm tingles from his skin to mine. I wasn't going to let myself be fooled though. I kept my eyes shut even as he lifted me up, gathering me in his arms.

At some point between the cellar and Mason's room, I came back to reality, pulling myself as close as possible to Mason. I needed him, but I also needed my father. I needed to see him, even if it was the last time. The last time I'd talked to him, Mason had me packing.

And so I clung to Mason tightly, letting him sit down on the edge of the bed and sigh. His large hands held me to him by one, completely useless considering the Jaws of Life couldn't have pried me off of that boy at the moment, and the other running up and down my back comfortingly.

''What if you take me?'' I asked softly,''I need to see him. He's the only father I'll ever have and I dunn-''

''What?'' He asked abruptly.


'I don't know if I'll ever get a chance to say goodbye. I mean if he dies before I get there, he'll always remember me moving out. Great,'' I looked up, finally reaching Mason's stormy gaze. He looked deeply conflicted so I shut up. Fighting himself on his decision was better than a firm no.

''We'll go.'' He finally decided. My smile seemed worth it to him. So did the kiss I gave him afterwards. When I did break away though, his face turned serious. ''Jackson is dead Ava.''

I didn't want to talk about that right now so I turned it back onto him,''right, he's dead. So that means the most dangerous threat we have is that rogue. And he's nothing. He has no pack behind him, no friends because I killed them both-'' I reminded him and he smiled and nodded.

''I get it, enough already. I said yes.'' He teased.

''Oh, you said yes. Like I wasn't going already,'' I scoffed.

''Okay, then,'' he replied dubiously,''then let's get going.'' He stood and I sighed contedly, leading him downstairs towards the door.


''Stop fidgeting, we're almost there,'' Mason huffed at me, but I couldn't help it. At the moment, I sat in the passenger seat, feeling very small in this great big world.

"I could become an orphan at any-'' and suddenly I shut up. But only for a moment,''Mason, why did you change your mind?''

He was silent for a moment, then a questioning grunt came,''What?''

''You heard exactly what I said; why did you change your mind?''

''You would have been mad at me if I didn't,'' he tried, and then smirked as he pulled me close and up into his lap with one arm,''And you were prepared to hold out on me.''

"That's not it,'' I replied grumpily, firm in my resolve to ignore the kisses he was placing along the back of my neck and head.

''Oh, it's not?'' he sounded calm and casual, all but for the steely edge just peeking out from his tone.

''No,'' and I sighed,''this has to do with you losing your parents.''

He was stiff, and silent. I sighed yet again and leaned back into him, squeezing his hand in assurance as we pulled into a parking spot outside of the hospital. And there we sat. I should have rushed in, but at the moment, I'd pulled this dark villain from my mate's past, and I wasn't going to walk away as he now had to deal with it.

So I slid to face him, while still remaining on his legs. I looked up as Mason shut his eyes. A faint smile appeared on his lips and he said,''I should've known you'd figure it out. You're way too smart for your own good.'' There was obvious pain in his voice. I wrapped my hands slowly around to the back of his neck and pulled his head down to my shoulder as I leaned into him. He sighed, taking in my scent deeply. As he did, his heartbeat calmed and his mood evened.

''I just know you,'' I smiled into the side of his head and placed a kiss there.

''C'mon, let's go.'' Mason sighed and I nodded.

He opened the truck door, letting me hop down first and then I turned, letting him grab something out of the back of the truck while I took in the front of the hospital. It seemed somewhat surreal that I was here for anybody I knew. Not only that, but the fact that it wasn't just a broken limb or a raging fever but someone's life was at stake. And it was because of me.

Harder than that to believe, was the man that was walking out of the hospital. I'd never seen him before, not as a human. But just as with the girl, I knew by looking deep into his eyes, now focused on me, who this was. He smiled, and then he was gone. One thought struck my mind.

''Dad!" I screamed and ran for the entrance.

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