Chapter Seventeen

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Well Mason was beyond livid. Remember how insanely furious he was when I ditched with

Lizzie and Page? Well that was child's play compared to now. The way his face was set, as I emerged from the forest, in tow of the wolf who had 'rescued' me when I was in need of no help, made him look as though he'd never known and will never understand, see or feel joy or humor throughout his lifetime.

I swallowed, and fought my wolf's urging to admit defeat immediately and make it out of the coming argument with as few scratches as possible. Instead, I tread forward, acting somewhat carefree. I didn't even take notice of him, rather moving past a few of his backup, walking towards the house.

''Ava.'' He growled, outraged. I turned and glanced at him from the corner of my eyes.

''Mason.' I huffed back, pissed right back at him. Thanks to him, every ounce of dignity I owned had been drained as I was escorted back, under the ruling of my own mate, of my Alpha. I had moved here to keep as far from the Alpha as possible. That hadn't quite worked out, now had it?

''Don't play with me,'' he hissed, moving towards the door, to my side. His hands took my shoulders

I shook them off then looked him straight on and said,''Don't worry, I'm leaving anyways.''

He stared at me, eyes locked on mine, not quite comprehending the words I'd uttered.

''Like Hell you're leaving, with the mate waiting to find you alone again,'' he roared.

"Why is it so difficult for you to understand that I can take care of myself?'' I spat back in his face. His eyes narrowed to slits. But then he sighed, and as his body exhaled, it seemed to age ten years before me.

''Why is it so hard for you to understand that I need to keep you safe?'' He asked, his voice slightly broken, and quiet. I stood there, watching him, refusing to lose the grip I had on my projected strength. I wasn't going to give up the fight just because he was tired of it.

''I went on a run, I killed her. I am safe,'' I spoke through grit teeth.

''Not yet, now her actual mate is out there, and you are his target. Ava-'' He cut off as he shook with frustration, looking as though he could bust through a wall or shift. Thank God we were outside.

''Mason,'' I sighed, finally deciding not to fight. It wasn't going to help anything, and I had to act like an adult here. I leaned in, and took hold of his waist in my hands, grasping either side of him and forcing his gaze to come back to me. ''I'm sorry I didn't wait, but I am here, alive, and safe enough.''

He looked at me for a moment, calming down even as he debated whether to continue raging up a storm or not. Then he exhaled what seemed to be all his breath and shrunk about two inches in defeat,''Come here,'' and he gathered me in his arms, where I have never felt more safe or protected. The threat of Jackson arriving here Friday seemed years away and any chance of the rogue hurting me felt infinitesimal. And then he whispered in my ear,''you are never leaving my side though.''

Well, it was a start.

A throat cleared near us, and I pulled to Mason's side, keeping my arms around him and nestling my head against the side of his chest. It was Lucas, attempting, and failing, to keep a smile from his face. ''Excuse me Alpha, but we still have paperwork to finish, and arrangements have to be completed on Alphas Ty and Andrew yet.''

Mason looked down at me and pointed in my direction,''You're coming with me,'' and when I didn't protest, all three of us walked into the house, down the hall and through the doors to his office.

I settled on the seat in the bay window, and watched as he took his place at his desk, Lucas pacing before it. As they discussed who would stay where, what arguments and politics were meant to be discussed with whom, and how the week's end was meant to go, I only half paid attention, focusing more on the patrolmen outside, passing by every now and then in their wolf form, the trees swaying in the wind, and leaves brushing past.

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