Chapter Twenty

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''You got attacked,'' Kris looked purple. Astrid and I sat there, feeling like children who'd got discovered trying to dig a hole to China, in mom's rose garden.

''Yeah, but-'' I tried.

''You were harmed,'' Mason growled, seated behind his desk. His wolf would probably be out right now, if it weren't for the fact that I was seated in his lap, trying hopelessly to calm him.

''Not really,'' Astrid ventured. She stood before Kris' seated form. He happened to be seated on the same couch Mason and I had 'enjoyed each other's company' on earlier, but I wasn't going to be the one to tell him that.

''Not really, sweetie, do you know what this could have meant?'' Kris started, rushing to her and holding her arms.

''But nothing happened-''

''What this could have done to the pup?'' Kris finished and I winced. Astrid looked as if a bomb had exploded within her as she stomped her foot.

''To Hell with you Kris, I'm not made of fucking glass! Stop acting like it!'' She blew up in his face, marching out and slamming the door after us. Kris looked back at us, lost, so I stood up. But he was gone, after his mate.

''Come here,'' Mason ordered,''I'm not done with you,'' I turned back to face him.

''And I'm not done with you. You better get your act together in front of these other Alpha's and make more friends.'' I growled at him, fed up with the fact that I had to do all of the work around here. Then I marched out, but the moment I reached the door, I was too preoccupied with finding out where Kris had run off to to even slam the thing.

He was leaning against the door to the room they were staying in. Sounds about right.

"What?'' He growled, as I got nearer. I stopped, knowing his boundaries were widened since his Luna was pushing him away.

''Nothing,'' I said, letting myself hit the wall and slide down it. He had done the same against the door, and now I was at his level.

''Why do women do this?'' He asked softly after about ten minutes.

''Do what?'' I asked, even though I'm pretty sure I had a fairly good idea of what he was talking about.

Five minutes later,''I was just trying to protect her,'' he trailed off, shaking his head and running his hands through his perfect hair. He looked lost, and I laughed one, dry, laugh. He looked up, shocked that I could be humored by his situation.

''You were past protecting her, Kris. Astrid is strong, she can handle herself well. And you were starting to suffocate her." I explained. He looked at me.

''So, what should I do?'' He asked. I smiled, and then sighed.

''Remind her how beautiful she is, because she thinks you see her pregnancy more than you see her. And let her have some freedom every now and then.'' I shrugged, not sure what more I could do, I wasn't exactly a relationship counselor.

''Well I'm not strong enough all of the time,'' Astrid's surprisingly timid voice had the both of us jumping up. Kris spun to face his mate, looking like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time.

''Are you sure you're not hurt?'' Kris asked, checking her as if she was suddenly going to reveal a gushing wound from the knife.

''No, Ava saved me before anything could happen,'' Astrid blushed, looking over at me and smiling as Kris put his arm around Astrid.

''Well, I guess I owe you my gratitude, Ava,'' Kris replied. I nodded.

''Anytime,'' after a few moments, I took a breath and said,''why don't we go to dinner?''

''Here, I'll help you down the s-'' One look from Astrid had Kris pausing in his words. Then he backtracked,'' Or, I can go on ahead, and you two can come down when you're ready.''

''Thank you,'' Astrid smiled, pecking a kiss on his cheek and then whispering in his ear,''I love you.''

''Love you two,'' Kris replied, looking as if they hadn't said that in days. I was beginning to think they hadn't.

''Awww,'' I teased as soon as he was downstairs, Astrid playfully scowled in my direction.

''Shut up, what about you and you're Alpha, you're way cuter than we are.'' I just rolled my eyes at her words.

''We'll see about that,'' I replied, thinking back to our little fight, or rather me yelling at him and then storming out.

''Hey, can you help me decide between these two outfits I have. I want to go out tomorrow night with Kris before everybody really gets here."

"Sure, where are you going?'' I asked, walking into her room, and shutting the door behind me, but not completely.

''Well, he was thinking about a supper-club in the area but then there's a surpise afterwards. And I don't know what to wear for the suprise part,'' she said, rummaging through her clothes.

''Well what do you have it narrowed down to?'' I asked, and watched as she grabbed a few things.

''There's these,'' an hour later, we finally had it down to a pair of black skinny jeans, a long peach shirt that came down over her bump, and a pair of charcoal, suede ankle boots.

''Hey, where's Mason?'' I asked Page and Tom as we got down to the kitchen. They were cooking while Lizzie, Lucas and Kris set the table.

''Well, I heard a loud bang from the direction of about twenty minutes ago ago, I just figured you two were going at it,'' Lizzie smirked. I rolled my eyes and padded off down the hall.

Letting the door creak open, I looked inside to see the place in shambles. Mason sat, leaning against his desk, the only thing left standing. I hurried over to him, taking in his slumped form and the now empty bottle of Booze discarded off to the side.

''I leave you for a couple hours and look at what you get yourself into,'' I chided, squatting down so that I was more eye level with him. I looked into his groggy gaze and sighed.

''I couldn't save them,'' he slurred. I leaned my head to the side.

''Save who?'' I asked, only to be answered with his eyes literally welling up. I think Mason might have been about to cry. But within the next moment, his face hardened, his hands took hold of my hips and I was in his lap. I looked up at him, feeling worried but not scared. Even in a drunken state, I wasn't in any danger with Mason. I leaned against his chest and sighed.

''It's okay you know,'' I spoke softly, turning in my seat, a.k.a. Mason, to face him.

''What do you mean?'' He asked, focusing on my lips. I smiled at the way alcohol made him so childish.

''Nothing. It's just okay,'' I laughed lightly, lifting my hand up and running it along the side of his face. He leaned into my palm, so I took his hand and put it against my face. I ran it down from my temple to my jawline, then down my neck to the center of my chest, looking up at him.

''You haven't,'' he gulped, looking deeply into my eyes, then down at his wrist,''marked me yet.''

I smiled at him, looking down at where his hand rested, then lifted it up to my mouth. I kissed the spot where the mark would be, feeling the pulse of his blood beneath my lips.

My canines extended even as I remained in human form. A second ticked by as my eyes moved to connect with his. And then I broke flesh. I retracted my teeth, instead lapping my tongue against the lacerations, letting them shut as my saliva covered each wound. As I ran my tongue along his vein, I smiled. His reaction, of the initial shock, and then as he shut his eyes in pleasure, had all been entertaining. But I wanted a piece of it.

I dipped my mouth back down to his wrist, and began sucking on the spot I had marked. His eyes snapped back open and then I was the one on the bottom, the stiff wooden floor beneath me, and the room looking as though it had been through a tornado. I ignored all that and focused on my beautiful mate above me.

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