Chapter Fifteen

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I sat in the shower in Mason's bathroom, contemplating my life with the water from the shower head raining over me. For some reason, I'd always felt the safest in a shower. Jackson had never tried to take advantage of me in one. And so the shower had become my place to think.

I'd begun to develop a plan, a way to take care of our Jackson problem. I had to die my hair, curl it, and wear makeup, something I never did, change who I was completely, and hope that Jackson didn't notice how I smelled an awful lot like his 'mate'.

I and my wolf both shuddered at the thought of Jackson claiming us as his mate. I knew it was just as difficult for her to keep secrets from Mason and his wolf. I was just glad she understood why we had to.

Mason had said that alpha's would start arriving as soon as Monday, so we had the weekend together. Starting with tonight, Mason and I could actually get to know each other. With the rogues, and the rejection, life had been very hectic.

I sighed, resting my head against the side of the shower and thought about Mason. Past the pigheaded, stubborn exterior, he was a pretty amazing guy. I could easily see myself growing old with the boy. Although, I didn't exactly have a past boyfriend to compare him to. Until Jackson, I hadn't seen any guys that way, though that was normal, since most werewolves waited until they found their mate to do anything intimate.

The door clicked open and Mason padded in, walking up to the doors to the shower. I could see his shadow in the filmed glass of the door, and knew it was the same for him. For a moment, panic spread through me at the silhouette of a guy, creeping up on me while I was naked. But I knew by the smell and reaction of my wolf that it was Mason.

When he slid open the door, he looked down, and I noticed he was in only a pair of boxers. I stared up at him, daring him to speak about my nakedness.

"Mind if I join you?'' He asked, a smirk lighting up his face as he took in my form. I rolled my eyes when he didn't wait for an answer and I stood up. He straightened up, only to lean down and slide off his shorts, revealing everything. I shut my eyes, shaking my head and smiling as he came into the shower, sliding the door closed.

''Not at all,'' I teased, quite after the fact. He just laughed in response and pulled me into his arm with one hand and using the other to deeply massage the back of my neck.

''So, what have you been thinking about?'' He asked, leaning his head against mine. I sighed into his chest, turning to face him and pull my arms around his waist.

''Did you ever have a girlfriend or anything before me?'' I asked, causing his hand to freeze on my neck and the other to tighten around my shoulders.

''When I was younger, I fooled around a bit. There were some girls willing-''

''Figures,'' I sighed. He pulled back and lifted my chin up.

''What does Angel?''

''Well, that neither of us were virgins,'' I sighed, and waited for the bomb to go off.

''Excuse me?'' He growled, his eyes now narrowed.

''What, you thought I waited?'' I asked, feigning shock.

He couldn't seem to get some words out and I was beginning to worry that his brain had exploded inside of his skull, when I was taken by the hips and shoved against the tile, his lips on mine.


''I know,'' I smiled against his mouth. So I may have distracted him from what I was actually thinking about. I seemed to be avoiding the topic of love. Huh.

A knock on the door froze my entire body, but caused Mason to growl in response.

''Alpha, dinner is in five minutes and Alpha Blake is on line one,'' A timid female voice came from the other side of the door. I sighed when Mason continued kissing me, ignoring the nice girl. Slipping past him, I grabbed his robe and pulled it on. I ignored his growl as I opened the door just enough to let myself through. The girl blushed when she saw me dripping wet and wearing, well, only what I was wearing.

''We'll be right down, and I'll make sure that he speaks to Alpha Blake,'' I assured the girl, who in turn looked extremely relieved not to have to face Mason directly. Like I'd mentioned before, Mason wasn't a people person.

Mason came through to his room as soon as his bedroom door clicked shut behind the girl, and his arms wrapped around me. "I love you in my robe,'' he whispered into my ear, causing me to suck in the breath I'd planned on exhaling completely. Then I caught me composure, and turned to face him.

''If you want to see me out of it tonight, then you take care of the thing with Alpha Blake and get ready for dinner,'' I informed him sternly, slipping back into the bathroom, clicking the lock on the door shut and taking in the clothes I'd set out on the counter. All I had were a pair of jean shorts, a tank, and underwear. I didn't know if dinner was something they usually dressed up more for, or not.

Hoping it wasn't, I changed, and stepped out. Mason stood, facing the window, wearing a pair of khaki shorts and t-shirt. So it wasn't that dressy then. Good. He spoke gruffly,''He will be here eventually, but he's not coming until Friday, and he's only staying for the meeting.''

I sighed, his people skills were seriously lacking.

''ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS BE IN THE SAME ROOM AS HIM FOR AN HOU-'' I took the phone from Mason's grasp and stood in front of him, letting his hands pull around me possesively, his temper already haven risen.

''Is this Alpha Blake?'' I asked softly.

''Yes, did Mason cut me off?'' The man on the other end asked testily.

''No, I cut Mason off, he doesn't quite understand how to have a civil conversation with somebody,'' I smirked, feeling Mason tense, but ignoring it. I received a chuckle from the other end.

''Well, I like you better already, and who would you be?'' He asked sweetly, Mason's growl resonated through me and another laugh passed over the phone,''So Mason has mated.''

"Not quite, I'm still debating whether or not to accept him,''I teased, turning and facing Mason, who again looked beyond livid.

''Let me know if you decide to consider anybody else,'' Blake replied and I laughed airily.

''Listen, I know Alpha Jackson,'' I got to business, hearing a sigh and continuing along,'' I guarantee you I can stand him much less than you can, so make a deal with me.''

"Anything for you, sweetheart,'' Blake said, I have a feeling solely for the rise it got out of Mason.

''Show up at the meeting, stay as long as I stay,'' I spoke, my words dropping into an uneasy silence as I waited for the confirmation. I sounded confident, or at least I hoped I sounded confident, but my nerves were shooting through the roof. I had to be there now, with Jackson and Mason.

''Deal, and tell that mate of yours he's one lucky bastard,''

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