Chapter Eleven

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"Are you ready, yet?" Mason groaned. It was a bit easier to move today, but all of my cuts were scabbing and bruises yellowing and the energy my body needed to do that was taking away from my own as well as the energy to not be a sore.

I let out a small whimper and accidentally fell to the floor after getting my shorts on, unfortunately, I was still in only a bra, my shirt seemed miles away on the counter by the sink.

"Ava?" Mason's questioning tone got closer and too late I realized he was coming in.

The scars all up my legs were nothing to what I knew he could see, the damage that covered my nearly bare torso was now in full view. Mason's eyes had narrowed to slits when I found the courage to look up into them.

"Would you mind helping me u- woah!" I yelled out, as Masons hand reached down, grabbed my hand and yanked me up so that I smacked against his chest.

"Who. Did. This?" He asked quietly, his voice was utterly chilling, every letter pronounced clearly,"and don't tell me it's from the rogues because these are much older." As he spoke the last part, his hand trailed down and ran over my stomach so gently I almost couldn't feel it, instead the tiny hairs on my gut stood up and I shivered at the air whooshing between his hand and my stomach.

"It's not a big deal, they're healing," I said, looking down to my feet, Mason's grip tightened.

"These are scars, Ava, scars!"

"I know what they are, would you just calm the hell down?!" I yelled back, my temper breaking free finally. I wasn't as vulnerable as I'd made myself out to be lately and he was about to see that.

"I'll ask one more time, who did that?" He growled out through his teeth, his face not more than an inch from mine.

So I did what I had to do in order to keep peace between the packs as well as the members of our pack all alive. I lied, "How do you think I learned to fight so well, Mason?" I couldn't say kill, I couldn't smile at my attempt of a joke. I just snatched up my shirt, but before I could pull it over my head, he grabbed my wrists.

His finger leading my chin forced me to look where I'd been avoiding, his eyes. Then he spoke, "You're perfect you know."

A blush creeped up to my cheeks at the intimacy I found in his eyes. And this time, I initiated the kiss.


"We'll take my truck this morning," Mason said as we got outside, running late for school, again. My permanent record probably didn't look very pretty, not that I really minded.

I slid in, but felt like the passenger seat was just way too far away from my mate, so I slid to the middle, looking up at Mason and wondering, how did I get such a sexy man for a mate? It wasn't like I deserved him, I didn't have drop-dead gorgeous looks, I wasn't the nicest, I wasn't the smartest, I wasn't the strongest or fastest at anything. So why did I get put with him?

Instead of asking me the cheesy question, "What're ya thinking?", that I probably wouldn't be able to answer anyways, he just smiled down to me and wrapped his arm around my waist content in that my thoughts were there and I was right there next to him.

About half way to school, I started to get bored and began tracing circles in his jeans, my fingers trailing further and further up his leg, reaching his hip with a shock. Looking up, I saw that Mason's eyes were looking intently down at me and we were parked outside the school.

Instead of moving to get out, I looked back down, blushing at the sight of his enjoyment.

Then I felt his lips on the back of my bare neck and I forgot all embarrassment.

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