Chapter Twenty-Five

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It was dark when a loud pounding came from our door. I sat straight up, alert and ready.

''Who is it?'' Mason grunted from beneath me.

''Alpha, another party just arrived,'' a small voice called from the other side of the door. I heard their soft footsteps as they retreated before Mason could literally kill the messenger.

I sighed, seeing him fight with himself to get up.

''Don't worry, I'll show them in,'' I sighed, pecking him on the forehead.

''This is why you're the best,'' he called, already half asleep by the sound of his voice.

''Not the only reason, but yes, I am the best,'' I reminded him smugly.

Down the hallway, I could see an older couple and another man standing in our entrance. I pulled Mason's shirt up so my shorts were visible.

''Yes, is the Alpha here?'' the man who stood to the side asked darkly. I looked at him, slightly affronted.

''Excuse me?'' I asked, wondering who this man thought he was.

''All we get are girls telling us to make ourselves comfortable. Now if you've come to do the same, tell your Alpha that we've been seated in a car for eleven straight hours, and that we'd hoped to see him tonight,'' He replied gruffly. I drew myself up.

''Jameson,'' the other man spoke warningly.

''He is asleep, as is most of our pack's members. The fact that we've welcomed you into our home at this ungodly hour should be met with a bit more gratitude than you seem to be sending,'' I reminded him huffily.

''Who are you anyways? The Alpha hosting the Council should not be asleep and visitors should be met with higher ranks than lowly girls. This is just like Mason to be so inconsiderate,'' He huffed.

''Luna, Beta Lucas just arrived home from his run.'' a young man walked in, bowing before he addressed me. The man I'd been arguing crabbily with straightened.

''I did not know Mason had mated, I apologize, Luna.'' The last word sounded as though it took great difficulty just to leave his tongue.

''All is forgiven, it is late. And I have come to show you to your rooms,'' I replied sternly. The other man and woman nodded.

''Thank you, Luna. My name is Sal, this is my mate Keara, and I apologize for my Beta Jameson.'' The Alpha nodded and I smiled, echoing his nod.

''It's not a problem, I'm sure all of you are very tired, after your eleven hour journey,'' I met Jameson's eyes at this and he looked down.

''Ava, thank you. Sal, sorry it could not be Mason meeting with you tonight.'' Lucas entered the room and instantly commanded attention. He was somebody else, now, than the guy I'd wasted time in a truck cab with before school. He seemed to have two personalities, a work side, and a fun side. I knew which side I preferred but this one did come in handy at times.

''It's not a problem, I'm sure he's very busy preparing for Friday,'' Sal nodded.

''Dear, I really am sorry for Jameson. His mate is pregnant and was too weak to come. Being seperated from-'' Keara joined me on the way to the rooms. But I waved her explanation off.

''Say no more, I completely understand.'' I assured her.

When I finally fell back next to Mason, it was nearly light out and I was now wide awake. I sat up against the headboard and pulled his head to my lap. He gratefully squirmed closer like a child, causing me to smile to myself.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?'' Mason asked sleepily. I froze, panic filling me. Love, the touchy subject I didn't seem to be able to avoid.

''I don't think you have,'' I whispered back to him, hoping he'd have fallen back asleep by now. Instead, He sat up and pulled me smoothly against his chest, landing kisses atop my head.

''I love you,'' he whispered. I looked down, feeling as though the world around me was pressing in, desperate to invade my every hidden secret.

I couldn't handle the pressure, or the silence that came after Mason had spoken, or the fear of what would happen after he realized it had been silent for too long.

Did I love him? That question held an obvious answer, considering he was my mate. But the answer only seemed to be easy to state, to myself. Jackson had messed me up so badly along the way that trust was something I didn't seem capable to give to anyone anymore. Even my soulmate.

A knock came from the door, and it slid open, all pressure evaporating. But Mason's gaze was burning against the back of my head. It was Lucas,''Breakfast is ready, and the new arrival is anxious to visit with you.''

And then he was gone. Mason and I slid out of bed and changed into our clothes for the day. The pressure was back, but this time it wasn't just for me to say that I loved him, it was for me to say anything that would get his attention back on me. He was definitely avoiding my gaze, and seemed to be avoiding me all together, because he took his toothbrush and walked across the hall to Lucas' room.

When I went into the hallway, he was already gone, the light in Lucas' room off and no Mason to be heard. My wolf inside of me was pacing, she wanted, no needed, to be close to her mate and have him tell her that it was okay.

There had been a small moment of joy after he'd uttered those words, I'd felt her inside of me, wishing we were capable of saying it back. Just another thing to blame Jackson for I suppose.

''So what's going on today?'' Kristen's cheerful voice reminded me that others could still be happy and lively. I attempted to make my face look not quite as depressed. Lizzie and Page noticed. They stood, excusing themselves and casting a backward glance into the kitchen, where I supposed Mason was, and hurried into the hall where I was sulking in the shadows, literally.

''Ava,'' Page said, pushing me out of the back door, Lizzie shut it and then faced me.

''Talk,'' came from Lizzie.

I sighed and grabbed my left elbow with my right hand, feeling uncomfortable. ''He said he loved me.'' Looking back up, I saw shocked faces, unfortunately, they also seemed to be confused.

''And?'' Lizzie questioned, leaning in as if there was more to the story. Now I had to avert my gaze. I couldn't quite face them and keep talking.

''I couldn't, I can't say it back. C'mon guys, you know my history,'' It was quiet again. I was sick of these silences. I looked up at them, forcing myself to meet their eyes,''But this whole mess ends. It's over on Friday.''

I knew I had to be careful about who I told, and how I told them. Considering we had a mess load of guests staying in our house. I knew nobody from the pack would let anything slip, pack allegiance and all that, but I had to be quiet so that anyone not within our group didn't hear too much.

''What's Friday?'' Page whispered in return.

''Revenge,'' I smiled, however one glance into the window told me Mason had seen that smile, and to him, there was no telling what that meant.

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