Chapter Twenty One

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"We'll be taking our dinner to go,'' I told Kris and Astrid,''sorry to abandon you on your first night here,''

''We understand,'' Kris smiled and Astrid winked suggestively from under his arm. I smiled at the two so right for each other, but shook my narrowed eyes at them.

''We know you two just can't get enough of ea-'' Kristen had begun to tease smartly before

I whacked her playfully on the back of her head.

I took hold of two of the plates, heaping with dinner, and started towards the office, calling behind me,''There is no crime in loving your ma-'' I cut off, having reached the office door, which now hung on it's hinges. The alcohol cart also happened to be missing quite a few more bottles. I set down the platter of food on Mason's desk and ran after the scent of alcohol. It took me upstairs, and then into our room.

The door to the the bathroom was wide open and a bottle, that had obviously been empty before dropped lay smashed on the ground.

Mason stood in front of the toilet, hunched over in agony. I sighed. Another bottle sat on the bathroom counter, nearly gone. Even for a werewolf, since we have heightened metabolisms that keep us in better shape, that would waste you.

I walked over to him, and stood above his crouched figure. He was panting, leaning against the wall behind the toilet, nearly whimpering. I began massaging his shoulders, so tight from tension that they nearly didn't give. My hands made there way down his back to his waist and I settled them there, leaning against his side.

He was going to recieve a swift beating the moment his hangover was bearable tomorrow, but until then, I just had to get him through tonight.

''Why c-can't I do anythinright?'' he asked, his voice deep, not facing me. I pulled him up, slowly but strong. I made him look me straight in the eye.

''You beat yourself up for the little things, Mason. Take your mistakes, and learn from them. Don't let them kill you like this.'' I spoke quietly, wiping away sweat above his brow line.

He huffed overly loud and then sat shakily onto the floor. I moved to sit next to him, but before I got the chance his face turned green and I was helping him to the toilet.

''Nothing like watching your mate upchuck to kill the mood,''I teased him, he just groaned in response.

''I'm sorry,'' and I was surprised not of the words he said but the tears that came afterwords. At first, just a single drop here and there. And then they were rolling down in waves.But he stayed silent and just watched me, when he gulped again, he continued,''I'm sorry for being a jerk sometimes, and for getting so upset when you do something stupid. I just get scared that I'll lose you too.''

I moved down next to his side, kneeling as I took his shirt off and set it in the sink to soak.

Then I grabbed a towel and cleaned his hands and face, the cold alerting him enough to prolong the sleep that was coming.

''What do you mean,'' I asked slowly,''lose me too?''

''Before,'' he started, but I could see the light going out,''before...''

And he was asleep. I rolled my eyes and stood up, taking the bottle. I dumped that in a trash and grabbed a broom and dustpan from the nearest closet so I could clean up the mess.

''Do I even want to ask what you have to clean up? Please tell me you just broke something," Lucas teased, stepping onto the landing and nearing me. I just stared at him, wondering why this was so amusing to everyone.

''No, Mason dropped something in our room,'' I replied gruffly, not really mad at Lucas, or even irritated with the stupid jokes, just annoyed that Mason couldn't finish explaining to me who he lost and why.

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