sixty seven

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Taehyung's PoV;

I swallowed thickly as I watched Jungkook glare at another high-up from across the vast table during the meeting that was fucking dragging.

Checking my watch, I sighed in disappointment as I noted that we'd only been here an hour.

A short meeting was usually three hours.

"Jeon, all I'm say-" The man tried to say, his chocolate suit blending into the colour of the table whilst Jungkook's onyx eyes swallowed him up whole.

"No. I don't give a shit about what you're saying." Jungkook said, sipping from the glass I'd placed on his table, swallowing the water whilst the man tried to persuade him on an idea.

The man, who Jungkook had referred to as Jisom a couple of times, was attempting to change Jungkook's mind on the younger servants and how he shouldn't be recruiting people that young.

"But, Jeo-"

Jungkook's left eye twitched in annoyance, his lip snarling.

Jisom coughed, "I mean, sir. You have a servant who is fourteen years of age. Surely, you'll agree that that's way too young. You, of all people, should know how rough the mafia business is and you've brought a child into all this danger. What about her parents? Her education? Friends? Boyfriends?"

"The fact that you think a boyfriend is in the list of her priorities is fucking wrong, for a start. Secondly, you don't know jack shit about me, so please refrain from talking to me like you do or I won't refrain from telling your wife about your affair. Thirdly, her parents were abusive. I saved her. I saw her sobbing in the streets, just about ready to sell her body to me because she needed money for food. She thought that any car that pulled up beside her would be her next rapist, she was extremely lucky that I'm just an ordinary guy who happens to run a rather large gang. Education isn't an issue, I'm sure the other servants will be more than happy to educate her." Jungkook snapped, standing from his seat and slamming his hands down on the glass table, his rings catching on the material, causing the middle-aged man to flinch at the noise.

"Jeo- I mean sir. That's lovely and all, but there are foster homes for a reason. You didn't have to bring her into more danger."

"You don't fucking get it, do you? I was willing to appreciate the fact that you won't totally understand how she feels or how any of them feel, but you're being a total fucking self-centred prick. Your parents fed you with fucking golden cutlery, expense and wealth in every bite. Spoilt like a fucking princess. Foster homes are piles of shit, especially ones in downtown Busan. Plus, no one explicitly said that mafia homes are dangerous. She'll learn how to be a maid, a normal person, which I believe is way better than prostitution."

Jisom's mouth stayed open, his lips touching as he looked like a flabbergasted fish.

Jungkook was right though.

You could tell that Jisom was wealthy, beyond rich and spoilt.

The only person out of seven of us that was valued enough to be able to sit on his chair, was Jungkook.

Not that Jisom had much of a choice, Jungkook would've sat down either way.

The rest of us had to stand alongside the table, hands folded behind our backs like butlers as we stood a notable distance from everyone sat at the long table.

Not to be that person, but Jungkook was the only one with servants, yet he was the only one who didn't think of himself as god just because he had a bit of money in his pocket.

We had a long travel from Busan to Gangnam early this morning for this meeting. And since none of Wonho's drivers were available, we all had to suffer through hours of Namjoon's bumpy and skidding driving.

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