Begin Again

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What is broken can be mended. What. hurts can be healed.
Loving is inevitable

Yet somehow, people say that it's a choice. They say that you can choose to love or not to love somebody.

If that's the case then why did I fall? I never wanted to. But I did.

If only love was a choice.
I never would've fallen for her.

"I was so worried."  Ally spoke as we entered her car.

It was getting late when they found us. And as it turned out, our janitor thought that no one was inside.

He was an old man so we understood. It was an honest mistake afterall.

"Good thing Lauren was there with you." Ally added as she faced me.

"Yeah." I timidly replied, avoiding her gaze.

She still doesn't know my past with Lauren. I know it's not right to keep it a secret from my friends but I'm afraid that it will only complicate things.

As for Lauren, she immediately went home after what happened. We're now in good terms but I'm still not sure what to make out of that. I do not know what to feel either .

I'm confused.

"Are you sure you're alright?" She held my hand in both of hers as she gazed at me with concern.

"I'm fine." I lied. But the truth is-there's a raging hurricane inside my heart.

"Do you need anything? I'll get anything you want. Just say it. " she's always like this with me. Always putting me first. Always caring...

"Why me Ally?"  I asked. I certainly do not deserve her love. She doesn't have to be mixed up with all of this. I'm a mess.

My life is a mess.

"Of all the people you can fall in love with? Why me?  I'm just a nobody. " I said as I looked down in our intertwined hands.

She deserves better than me.

"Well. For starters you're not an easy person to love." She said with a slight chuckle.

She retreated her hand from mine and held my face in hers instead . She gazed at my eyes once more. Her set of gray eyes boring through mine.

"You're not an open book ready to be read." She continued as she gave me a sweet smile.

"You're complicated, stubborn, hardheaded... " She paused.

I waited.

"But I think that's why I fell for you. You don't make it easy. And that's good, because you deserve someone to fight for your heart and actually earn it." she leaned closer to me and for a moment, I thought that she's going to kiss me. But she didn't.

She kissed my forehead instead.

" That's why I'm willing to wait. For as long as it takes." I held her gaze and absorbed the intensity of what she said.

Her words really warmed my heart.

"Thank you Ally. Thank you for loving me..."

"Hey. I should be the one thanking you. Loving you was the second best thing that's ever happened in my life." she tried lightening up the mood as she flashed me a dazzling smile and winked at me.

"What's the first?" I was genuinely curious so I asked.

"Finding you." she simply said as she started the engine. She tried to hold a straight face but there's a ghost of smile on her lips.

"Silly. " I said as I  bumped her shoulders.

"That's true though." she said as she sticked her tongue out and chuckled. I did too.

There was a moment of comfortable silence between us until she spoke and smiled at me once again.

"I love you Erin. You don't have to say it back just yet. I'm just letting you know."

I didn't know what to say so I just stayed silent and listened to the abnormal beating of my heart.

Oh Ally. If only I can choose who I love.I'll choose you in a heartbeat.

But I'm such a mess.

I'm sorry.

Ally dropped me on our porch and kissed my cheeks before going home.
I bid her goodbye and once I entered the door. A big mound of cuteness attacked me.

"Okay Willow, I missed you too. " I laughed and went up with him on my room to change my clothes.

I laid on my bed afterwards and replayed all the things that happened today in my mind.

We were accidentally locked inside the storage room, forced to wait in the dark ... But somehow I'm not upset, tired or even distressed .

On the contrary, I am happy.

I'm glad that it happened because Lauren and I finally sorted it out.

I must admit that it's not easy to forgive and move on once you've been hurt. But sometimes forgiveness is all that we need to finally be happy.

My phone rang from my bedside table.
I opened it and a smile instantly found its way on my lips.

I accepted the call

"Hey." she said. I can tell that she's apprehensive.

"Hi" I replied.

I don't know why but my palms are sweating. It always does that when I'm nervous .

Why am I even nervous?

" I just want to thank you for what you did for me earlier." She started. Her voice firm and melodic like always .

"It's nothing."  I replied. I'm really out of words right now. I don't even know what to say .

"What I said back then. It's true...I know you hated me but I missed you Erin. I really do.  "

She's saying those words again. Words that makes my heart feel fuzzy.

I didn't hate her though. As much as I want to. I never did. I just can't .

"I don't hate you. I hated what you did but I never hated you. I never will. I just act like I do,  because it's easier than admitting that I miss you too." I said truthfully.

I can feel her smile on the other end of the line.

"I'm glad that you do."

That night, we talked about our lives and the memories we had.

We talked until sleep consumed us and took our consciousness away.

In that very moment. I somewhat felt complete.

My heart is finally at peace.

Hey guys. I'm sorry I haven't updated lately but I'll make it all up to you since the school year is finally over. (Yay loads of free time)

I'm just glad that there are still people out there reading this story. For a moment I thought that there aren't any. But I guess I was wrong.

Thank you for reading and for supporting this story by means of commenting and voting . That really means a lot to me and it's what keeps me going. It motivates me.

Love you guys <3

Please let me know what you think. = )

(check out the song too it's really good) 

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