The Rude Awakening (Sariyah)

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"Run! Run! Don't stop! Don't st..." The last words were cut off suddenly as I ran for my life from... What? I did not know. I just knew that I had to run. The person who told me to run? I had no clue who he was, but I had some kind of feeling that penetrated me as if I knew him. I tripped over something a little bit squishy and came crashing to the floor, and woke up.

I was on the floor with the covers a tangled mess wrapped around me. My mom came running into the room with her metal bat in hand with my dad right behind her with his pistol in hand. My mom looks around and then at me as asks "What were you screaming for Sariyah? Have you gone mad? You'll have the neighbors callin' the cops for sure this time." Her face was white with fear or rage I could not tell. "Why are you on the floor?"

I looked around wondering that myself. "I have no clue; I guess I rolled off of the bed."

My mom just stared at me a little bit then said, "You guess? What's that supposed to mean?"

I just look at my mom, she wouldn't want to hear about my dream. "I was tossing and turning a lot; that's probably why I fell off of my bed."

"Well hurry up and don't be late for school today, or there will be consequences"

She is only talking about my ten tardies this month. It's not my fault they won't buy me that 67' Shelby Mustang that is down the block. It's four-wheel drive and is black. But when you have parents who are cheap you get stuck with the 2001 beetle car that your parents pretty much got at the dump. It needs a new transmitter but my parents won't pay for it to get fixed. It takes forever for it to start and you have to let it warm up. So sorry if I am late to school most days during the winter.

I stand up as my parents are walking away and feel a breeze come through my shirt. I shut my door and start to get dressed for the day and realize I have a hole in the back of my shirt. It must have snagged on something. Whatever it snagged on I have no clue though.

After I get dressed I head downstairs to tell my mom bye. After that, I head out to my piece of crap car and it takes six aggravating tries before it decides to start and head off to school.

I pull into my usual parking space right between to Veda and Malachi, my two best friends. As soon as Veda sees me she yells, "Happy birthday!"

Malachi looks frustrated. "We were supposed to say 'happy birthday' at the same time, but who likes to jump the gun every year? You do. And let me guess you're going to tell her about the concert we got tickets for all of us to go and see tonight?"

"MALACHI!!", Now it is Veda's turn to look frustrated. "You just 'jumped the gun', stupid."

I smile at them, "Guys it's ok, thank you for all of this. It's not like my parents remembered." Speaking of which they were acting a little bit weirder than usual today. They watched me closer than usual.

I'm thinking about voicing the weird incident about my shirt this morning when Slate, the hottest guy in school, walks by and my mind goes blank. I can't help thinking about how tall he is his short hair on top of his head. His grey eyes, and his perfect lips that I can't help imagining myself...

"Sariyah what are you doing?" Veda and Malachi were looking at me. "We asked you if you were ready to head inside yet."

"Oh, yea, sorry, I was just thinking to myself." They looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders, and together we all head inside.

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