What Happened (Sariyah)

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 As I'm sitting in first-hour I realize that Slate was staring at me in a confused sort of way. It was like he just realized that I was in this class. As I made eye contact he furrowed his brow like he was even more confused by me. I have no clue what that was about.

He had me thinking what was wrong throughout the whole class when Mr. Pekovitch, our English teacher, called on me. I looked at for a minute, "I'm sorry, What did you ask?" I start to flush when I realize the whole class is staring at me.

"I asked you to summarize the first chapter of the book you were assigned that was due today or did you forget." He is turning red with anger as he continues to talk.

"Before you get too mad Mr. Pekovitch, I did read the chapter," I spent about a minute explaining about Bud's life. Mr. P. turns around and stalks off to his desk and assigns us chapter two. The bell to go to second hour finally rings and I hurry to meet Veda in the bathroom so we can talk more about this evening. I look at myself in the mirror and see the purple around my irises. As I stare at my reflection in the mirror, Veda comes in. I'm in a state of panic. What will I tell Veda, my parents, or anyone for that matter? "Hi Veda, so, who are we going to see tonight?"

"Oh, we're going to see Five Finger Death Punch. Don't worry we got seats that are far away so we won't die. Malachi doesn't like to spend... OH MY GOSH! You didn't tell me you got contacts!" She is staring at me open-mouthed.

I start to protest but realize that contacts are as good of an excuse that I am going to get. "Yea, I just put them in, do you like them?"

"I love them. I just can't believe you didn't tell me." She stares at me for a while, "They suit you."

"I liked how they looked. It cost me quite a lot."

"OK, um, since we're about to be late for class, we'll leave for the concert right after school lets out OK, OK. See you later."

She leaves before I can protest. As I walk out of the bathroom, Slate walks by and smirks at me. I can't help feeling as if he heard everything and knows something that I don't. I shake that feeling off and head to second hour. This is going to be a long and confusing day.

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