A Stab in the Back (Slate)

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"You might want to take a seat," Martin tells me. I listen to him and take a seat. His face is very grave, and a bit weary. He leans over his desk. I can tell that he has gotten little sleep. He has dark circles under his eyes and he slouches. I remember during training him always smacking me with his staff telling me not to slouch. It was his pet peeve. "I'm not going to beat around the bush at all. Lady Katsem and Ron have teamed up and are planning on taking over." He flops down in the chair defeated. "I can't stop them because she has the support of my troops. She has been teaming up with different species, all of our enemies if you will. You need to get out of here."

"Why do they want to take over, they practically are in charge?" I can't even believe this.

"Not everything is bad. I heard that you found the heir. They are looking for her. They want her very bad. If you get her and then run away with her it will delay their plans. We will have to elect a new leader."

He is looking at me hopefully. I look at the floor. "I was told to come here. I didn't realize this was going on. We will find a way to stop them." We'll come up with something.

"Well, well, well, the old man figured everything out. How cute." I jump up and turn to the door. Ron is standing there smirking. He has blonde hair and very tan skin. Most girls found him attracting. "This just got interesting."

"Why are you doing this? There is no need to; you are already high up." I can't help but ask him this.

"I tell you what. I kill you guys and no one else hears about this." He starts to reach for his iron katana at his side. I realize that I do not have a weapon but spot a longsword on Martin's shelf. I lounge and grab it as I hear a small shriek. Behind Ron, Sariyah is ghost white staring wide-eyed at everyone. Ron grabs her wrist and drags her down the hall. I run to catch up but somehow he is extremely fast. I am sprinting to catch up. He stops at the great hall and I am instantly surrounded by guards.

Lady Katsem is standing by the spiral stairs and holds up a hand. everyone freezes. "Halt! I need him alive for now, please. Bring me the girl, please Ron. If you fight then I will have them kill Slate and Martin, Sariyah." She stops instantly. I can't think of any way out of this.

"What do I do now?" she asks me.

"Wait, I'll think of something." But I can't think of anything. If I move I die. If she moves towards me, I die.

She is in front of Lady Katsem now. "I will go with you willingly if you let them leave here alive." Sariyah straightens up and looks her in the eyes as she makes this proposition. "If you kill them. I will fight you every step of the way."

I want to protest but as I open my mouth she tells me "Shut up. I will save you as you saved me. Do me this favor, Please." The last word is a whisper in my mind.

Lady Katsem doesn't look happy. "Fine, but if I see them here again I will kill them without hesitation. Do you understand?"

"Yes." She says and looks at me. The guard behind me pokes me with his sword.

"This way." Martin and I are moved towards the door.

"I will save you. Somehow some way." I turn around one last time before the door shuts between us.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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