Difficulty (Slate)

22 4 0

She fell asleep after a while. I feel sorry for her. She should not have to go through this. It's not her fault she didn't know. She looks peaceful as she sleeps. I have always admired her from afar. I knew she was shy and didn't want her to be uncomfortable around me. 

At a stoplight, I pull out a jacket and wrap it around her. She has had a long evening. I pull into the airport parking lot and think about waking her up. I don't want to. I will let her sleep so that she is aware of what we are doing. 

She will need to meet her father. He will be very pleased. I could possibly be ranked up into the royal guard for finding and bringing her home. She will need to learn about her world, and how to rule it. I watch her for a couple minutes. Her eyes start to twitch and she starts tossing and turning. I want to know what she is dreaming about. More than anything I want to comfort her.

I look out the windows to distract myself. There are a few cars in the section where I parked. No one is in the cars, which is a good sign. A car pulls into the parking lot and drives slowly through it. I stare at it as the car comes closer. I can't see the person driving. I duck down as the car drives by. The car continues to go and pulls out of the parking lot.

I pull out my phone and send a text to the Mensens. They will let Lady Katsem know that I found the princess. They text back, leave your tracker on. You are in real danger with her. Where are you bringing her? 

Heading to Madagascar. Then there. I put my phone away and look over at Sariyah. She has stopped moving. 

There is sudden movement outside and I look out the window. I don't see anything. Then all I see is black.

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