The lost princess (Sariyah)

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I command the person to stop. I try to sound brave, but my voice comes out shaky. 

"It's all right. I'm not going to hurt you. I came to help you." This voice is Slate's. I can't help but realize that I have lived my dream that I had this morning. The person's voice was Slate's and I tripped over a body. I was running from my best friend. 

My knees give out from under me and I fall to the ground. I am in shock or something. Things like this never happen to me. I am just an average girl... Wait... I am not. I had wings and flew. I made a knife melt with just a thought. "What am I?" I ask this feebly.

Slate looks at me and starts to walk towards me. He is doing it cautiously. Is he afraid of me? "You are what is called an Inged. I am also one. We are magical beings that control a distant world." He pauses like he doesn't want to carry on. "You are the lost princess."

I look at him like he is retarded. "I can't be a lost princess. I look like both of my parents."

"And yet here you are, discovering something new about yourself that your parents didn't bother telling you about." He is by my shoulder now. "I had some buddies do some research. They found out that your parents are Votashes. Same as your friends." He squats down so he is looking at me in the face now. "We need to go. I know that you don't trust me, but you need to. Veda would've contacted some of her friends and they will be on their way. I parked around here somewhere. We could fly down."

"I don't know how to fly. I don't know how I got up here." I can't help the tears coming from my eyes. My parents are not even my parents. They... I don't know what they did to get me. I can't think right now. My whole world is coming apart. I can't go with a practical stranger... but yet, what choice do I have. I can't go back home now. I stand up. Slate stands with me. 

"What you have to do is command your wings to do what you want them to do. Think it and it will happen." He looks sideways at me. "I will tell you where we are going to go. We are going to get into my car and drive to an airport. We will take a flight to Madagascar. Once we get there I will have people waiting for us. We will then travel to your kingdom to meet your real parents. OK." He is looking at me like he's expecting me to say no. 

"OK" I answer hesitantly. I am going to go across the world with a practical stranger. 

"You can sleep on the way there, but you don't have to." He answers this last part quickly as he sees my scared face. 

I give him a weak smile and try to command my wings. I rise up and hover for a few seconds before going towards the edge. Slate follows close as he leads the way to his car. It only takes a few minutes. When we land I realize my wrists are healed. There is only dried blood coating my hands. "Why am I healed? Is this an Injard trait?"

"It's Inged, and yes. I have healed as well." Slate answers as he gets settled into his seat.

His remark makes me think back to the person I tripped over. "Did you fight that man?"

He looks at me as I put my seatbelt on. "Yes he got a few jabs at me, but I got him."

We start driving away and I watch out the window. I have never been able to fall asleep in vehicles, but as we drive for ten minutes I drift off to sleep.

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