Ron (Sariyah)

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I sit on the floor watching everything happen around me. My "parents" are both dead. I will never know why they were raising me. Why they had me in the first place. A woman with a sword around her waist starts to walk over towards me. She was talking to a kid around my age. He is staring at me with a look of contempt in his eyes. I see him wink at me before Slate walks in front of me towards the door. 

"Where is he going?" I ask. I am not ready to be alone with strangers. I have had my fair share for the evening. "Who are you, and what do you want?" I stare at her waiting for her to answer.

"I am Lady Katsem, leader of the guard. I am here to return you to your kingdom with more protection than you have." She says this like she has practiced saying this a hundred times. "You are being tracked. We need to hurry and get you to Surad now." She pauses and reads my face. "You will be riding in a car with Ron as your guard." She turns and walks away toward a group of men standing and talking. I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and see the same man who winked at me.

"I'm Ron. You will need to follow me. We will be heading to your kingdom now." I can't help notice that he is quite handsome. He has blond hair with purple eyes. Looking closer I see that there is blue around the purple. He is muscular and tall. About the same build as Slate. I realize he is watching me stare at him with a smirk on his face. 

I blush. "Where exactly is this, and why do people keep saying my kingdom? I need to know what is going on before I go anywhere."

"You are the lost princess of the Resonas. A civilization in which is in another world. This world is connected by a portal in Antartica. This is why no one lives there. It is highly protected and many normals get their minds tampered with. There are rulers to keep the peace between our world and to keep it hidden. Your father has just died and you are the new heir." He is looking at me with a slight grin on his face. 

This is very hard to take in. My father that I never met, who I didn't know was my father is dead. I now have to take over in his place. I have to take over in a different world that I didn't know existed. I am to rule civilizations that have some of them trying to kill me. What choice do I have? I can't tell them no. They could do anything to me. I have to go along with this to find a way out. 

We head outside to a black Cadillac. I hold my breath expecting to get shoved into it. nothing happens. Ron opens the door and waves a hand for me to go inside the car. We get seated and Ron tells the driver to take off. We are in the car for five minutes before Ron says anything.

"So, what's new?" A huge grin breaks out on his face and he falls over laughing. He starts to snort and he is now laughing harder. He can hardly breathe. I start to laugh along with him. I can't help it, his laugh is just too funny not to. It is adorable in a way too. Between gasps, he manages to get out "I'm... Sorry... it was... too... good not... to say it." He starts laughing again. he stops laughing and stares at me with a smile on his face. I blush as he continues to look at me. I see him look at my eyes, then my mouth and start to trail down. "You're very beautiful. Has anyone ever told you that." He starts to scoot closer. 

I look away out the window. Maybe if I ignore him he will stop. I feel a small pull towards him. It is a thought in the back of my brain working its way towards the front. I want him. I need him. I look back at him and he has a smile on his lips. He scoots closer still. He is so very cute. You can't do any better. his hand comes towards my face and holds my cheek in his palm. I try to move away but I can't seem to. You don't want to move. You love him. He looks me in the eye and bends his head towards mine. I don't want to kiss him. I don't even know him. But you love him. With that thought, our lips connect. His kiss is desperate as if I am going to run away from him. Then he leans till his body is pressed up against mine. I start to panic but am still not able to move. I don't want to be kissing him. His hands move from my chin to my waste. The hold over me vanishes and I shove him away. 

He curses and scoots to the other window. I struggle to breathe. Was he in my head. I can't help but think that I will never be free. I can't even control my own thoughts. 

I am about to yell at Ron when the driver turns around. "Were here."

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