Votashes (Slate)

23 3 7

I am waiting out in my car so I can follow them to the concert. I wait five minutes before I realize Sariyah's car is empty, but her friend's car is gone. I quickly turn on the car and circle around the building. In the back I see Malachi and Veda leaving. I have a sense that Sariyah is in the car, but I can't see her. It looks as if her friends are discussing things very intently. I decide to follow them at a safe distance. They are supposed to be meeting up with Sariyah later on. 

They soon reach a building that looks like an abandoned factory. I stay a safe distance back so they don't see my car. They stop at the entrance and drag someone, no that is Sariyah, out of the car. She looks to be unconscious. They head to the doors as I ditch my car and half run and creep towards the factory.  

As I go through the doors, a man, about in his thirties, blocks my path. "Who are you? They didn't say anyone else was comin'." He looks at me and then registers what I am. "You can't be here. You'll ruin the plan, but... but, I'll stop you, yea that sounds good. I get to kick a little butt today."

He's looking at me like I am a trophy. He steps forward and swings at me. I duck and spin away. I look his way and he got a knife from somewhere. He swings a couple more times and as I duck he's ready for it. His fist is steady and like a rock, as it hits me in my head. I stumble towards the door, seeing black at the edges and looking for a way to get past him. I haven't been training as often as I should, but it is starting to come back to me. I act like I am running for the exit. I hear him following suit and jerk to the side while turning to kick him. I connect, and he doubles over from the blow. I pummel him and bring our bodies close like I was trained to do. I beat him with elbows, knees, fists, and feet. 

I stop to look at him and realize he unconscious. I grab his knife and slice his throat. He is a votash. His kind was supposed to be hunted down and killed. A few have come together and are trying to find a way to take over. This must be a plan of theirs. I need to find out before it is too late. I head down the hall and check all the doors. They are all locked with no noises coming from them. I find a staircase and climb it. I check the next two floors with no findings. Finally, on the fourth floor, I hear voices. What is being said is not distinct. A girls voice rises; she sounds desperate. I head for the door that the voices seem to be coming from. 

Then a scream comes from the door. I open it and creep through. I turn a corner and see...

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