Dreams are Real (Sariyah)

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I am on the floor with Slate lying there unconscious. I am crying, but I do not know why. As I look closer I see that he has a stab wound in his stomach. I am the one holding the knife. There are people around us. I recognize three of them: Veda, my mom, and my dad. They are all smiling at me like I have done a good thing. A man suddenly runs into the room and screams as he falls forwards. Chaos erupts as everyone whips out a weapon of some sort. I look back down and see Slates wounds start to heal...

 I wake up to sounds of whispering. I realize that I cannot move and realize I am strapped to a chair again. I suppress a scream. When I look around I realize that the people who were in my dream are here. I dream the future. A woman with black hair moves towards me. She seems to be in charge because everyone turns towards her as well. She walks over to me and kneels down. "I will get straight to the point. You will not say anything unless asked, or your little knight over there will get a good whipping. OK."  She nods her head to the corner where Slate is being restrained with chains to the wall. He looks at me like he is trying to tell me something, but can't. I look at her trying to keep my face calm and nod. "You will swear your allegiance to us by a blood vow. You will say the words on a card and cut your name into your arm. By this, you will be our tool to use as needed. If you do not do this, your knight will get it."

I look at her then at Slate. He is shaking his head. "They will use you to take over." I am startled to hear his voice in my head. "This is something they do not know about. we can communicate with each other once our blood has come into contact with each other. In the car, I accidentally brushed your hand putting a jacket on you." 

"How can I get out of this without getting you killed." I am looking at the lady now. She is waiting for an answer. Her black hair is in waves that line her slim face. She could be a model. I wonder if that is a trait that Votashes carry. 

"Fake the vow when you mark your name mess it up somehow. that will make it invalid. Act like you are under their command though." I can tell that he is looking at me, but refuse to look at him.

"OK. I'll do it." The lady looks pleased with me for that answer. 

"Jack the knife please." A young boy comes over carrying a steak knife. The lady undoes one of my hands. I take the knife and hold it shakily. "Begin."

I start to carve my name into my arm, I get this numbing feeling in my arm as it pierces my skin. This must be enchanted somehow. Enchanted what am I talking about, magic is not supposed to be real. S one letter down. I don't know how to mess up my name. I have to think of something. I rearrange my grip on the knife handle. As I carve the A, I use my finger to smear the blood. I make an H but smear it to an A. The R I make it a P. I finish the rest of my name. Hopefully, this will be enough. I feel tired and drained as I finish. "Why do I feel so weird?" I send this message to Slate. 

"The spell binding the knife makes you fatigued. Whoever cast the spell will be able to slightly manipulate you for a few minutes. If you concentrate you can fight it." 

I can't concentrate enough. I am freaking out so much I cant feel my legs or my arms. The lady looks at me with a wicked gleam in her eyes. She looks over to Slate and back. "Kill him." She smiles wider as I start to stand. I can't control my feet as I move towards Slate. "I can't stop. I don't want to hurt you. "  I feel tears start to fill my eyes. My throat swells and makes it hard to breathe. I still walk forwards.

"It is OK. You are still in control of your thoughts, which means you can fight it. You have the power to. If anything else stabs me in the stomach. I can heal from there. It is OK. Trust me."

"I do trust you. I can't trust myself. I can't fight it." I am standing by him now. His chains release automatically. He slumps to the floor with a grunt.

"Fight it."  He looks up at me with pleading eyes. I struggle to find how to fight this hold on me. I think to my toes. I concentrate. I wiggle my big toe, start to bend down and wiggle my fingers. I'm suddenly able to feel all of me again. It was faster than I thought but well needed.

"I think I am free. Isn't there some other way?

"No. please now. They will get suspicious. The stomach, remember." I hesitate then plunge the knife into his stomach.

"Yes!" The lady is cheering and everyone else starts to as well. I look around crying. When I look back at Slate he cringes in pain. 

"It's OK. I'm OK. Just not as much of a needle pain as I thought. I'm already starting to heal." And he was. I can see the hole getting smaller. 

"Someone unexpected is going to come, and they will all start to fight whoever it is." I realize too late that I told him about my dream. I turn around and the man runs through the door. The scene plays around me. I sit there watching it like it is in slow motion. Then a woman runs through the door. I realize that the Votashes are in slow motion. I look down shocked at Slate only to realize he is looking at me confused.

"How did you know?"

"I had a dream. Who are they?" I look over as more people stream into the room, killing everyone. I realize at that moment that Veda and the lady are gone. 

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