Magic (Sariyah)

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There is a long gash in my arm. I am whimpering begging him to stop. Malachi is about to slice my arm again. I suddenly have an urge come over me and stare at the knife coming closer. I concentrate on the knife and it melts. Instead of it dripping to the floor, it glides towards Malachi's arm. It burns him and he screams and drops the handle. Veda is looking at me with satisfaction. 

"Now it is time for the wings. Malachi."

Malachi is looking at me with hate in his eyes as he walks behind me. I can't see what he is doing but I feel a tug on my shirt and there is a hole in the back of it. I feel a sharp pain between my shoulder blades.

"What are you doing? Stop!" I am yelling at them begging them, but they just don't seem to hear or care. I feel another pain and strain some with the straps holding me. I need to get away but I don't know how to. 

Then I see someone standing by the wall. I blink tears out of my eyes, it is Slate. He is holding a finger to his lips. He then drops his gaze to the straps and they start to loosen their hold. Malachi Cuts my back again and I yell out in agony. Veda starts to stand behind me, and the straps loosen all the way.  I look to Slate and he beckons me to run as he starts to come forward.

I take off. As I step down I feel an agonizing pain go through my back and stumble. There is a searing pain in my back like it is exploding. I am lifted back to my feet. I don't even turn around because Slate yells at me.

"Run! Run! Don't stop! Don't st..."His voice is cut off. I hear some grunts and then a pair of feet following me. 

"Get back here." It's Veda and she sounds aggravated. I come to a set of stairs and run down them. I jump down the last few and run towards the door. I trip over something. I look down and it is a man with his throat slit. I hurry up and get up and run out the door. The door slams open again and Veda is yelling at me to stop and come back. I continue running and start to rise in the air. I stifle a scream as I realize I have wings. They are white with purple streaks running through each feather. 

I don't know how I am flying, but I keep going. I land on a building some miles away. As I land I look around frantically. I do not see anyone coming and breathe a sigh of relief. I catch my breath for a minute. Then I see another figure flying towards me. I start to run for the other side of the roof. I get to the edge and realize that I do not know how to fly. I turn around and the figure lands and starts walking towards me. 

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