The plan (Slate)

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I see Sariyah melt the knife and it go to Malachi. Veda orders Malachi to make her wings come out. As Malachi is slicing her back Sariyah sees me. I motion for her not to say anything. I concentrate on the straps and start to undo them. She looks at me when Malachi slices her again. The look on her face makes me almost run over there, but that would endanger her even more. I undo the straps all the way and yell at her to run. She takes off and Malachi gets in my way as Veda runs after her. Malachi is looking at me with pure hatred. 

"I knew who you were, but she wouldn't listen to me. Now, look at where that has gotten us." He pulls out a hunting knife and swings it at me. "What did you do to Galk? He was supposed to stop Ingeds like you."

I duck as he swings again and look around for anything else that I could use. "I killed him like I will do to you." Over in the corner, I spot a metal pole. I jump onto a table beside me and run for the corner. I feel the knife slice my calf. I fall but roll up to the pole. I grab it and look frantically for Malachi. He is running on the table after me. He jumps off of the table and I swing the pole. It connects with his knee. He falls and tries to stand up. With a sickening crunch by his knee, he falls again and yells out. 

I swipe at his head and he falls to the floor. He stirs. I hop onto him and pin him to the floor. "What do you want with her?"

He wheezes as he takes shallow breaths. "She was to help us take over. With her sworn to us, she would have to do what we said."

"Why her, why now?" I slam him on the ground when he refuses to answer me. 

"She is the Kings daughter. She has turned of age. You saw what she did, didn't you? You know she holds the power. You know she holds more power. She would help us conquer both worlds." He coughs and blood spills from his mouth. "Veda will get her. If she fails more will come for her. We will win this war. You can't contain our fury. We've been hunted for the last time."

With these last words, his head hits the floor. I cracked his skull. He didn't have enough energy to restore his health. I get up and walk over to a window. I look to the ground and see the girl staring off at a distance on the phone. I follow her gaze and see a human shape with wings far in the distance. I take the pole and break the window. I take my jacket off and release my wings.  They are silver with gold streaks along the feathers. I haven't had reason to take my wings out. It feels refreshing. 

I jump out of the window and fall towards the ground. With a thought, I command my wings to flap. I stop my decent and follow Sariyah. Veda yells at me and rushes back into the building. I want to make sure I am far away from here when she finds her mate. 

As I follow where I saw Sariyah go I see her on a building about a mile off. As I descend she tries to run. Her wings are new and she doesn't quite yet know how to use them. She stares at me as I walk towards her.

"Stop." She says this in a shaky voice and I know she is afraid.

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