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~Aaliyah's Pov~

I was still in the room, taking care of Gracie since everyone was busy. I was sitting on the bed with her, Watching her sleep, I was playing with her earlier and now she was asleep. There were footsteps and i looked over to see Daryl. He looked at Gracie then over to me. He moved his head slightly and walked out. I got off the bed and went outside with him. "I'm goin' out with Rosita. We're gonna get Eugene before he makes things worse, we need 'em for bullets." He said. I nodded a bit. "Alright," I said softly. He kept looking at me. "That's it.?" he asked. I shrugged. "You're right, We need the bullets. Just be careful." i said softly. He nodded a bit and started walking, but he stopped and i turned to him. "..You good.?" he asked. 

I nodded. "Yeah." i said. He gave me a hesitant nod. "Just stop asking because of Carl. I'm good." i said nodding. "Alright." he said. "Be careful." i said, He nodded. "Mhm." he said and walked away. I went back inside the room with Gracie. 

~The next day~

Gregory was back, he was here in Hilltop and he returned with a message from Dwight. It was a map with locations where Negan and his men were going to be. I was outside with Rick, Maggie, Daryl, Rosita, Carol and Michonne. Looking at the map and putting a plan together. We've announced to everyone that we were going to do this, we were taking them down once and for all.. Daryl and Rosita lost Eugene when they were bringing him back so he was gone. 

"We'll stick to this road. Keep to the trees. We'll get there quicker. We can keep an eye on the road that way." Daryl said. "If they're planning anything we'll see it." Rosita said looking at us. "You think we can trust Gregory with what he told us?" Michonne asked. "I locked him up inside the house. He knew i wouldn't let him walk around free. He knew he was coming back to that. He doesn't believe in anything except himself. He'd have to have believed in the saviors a whole lot to send us into a trap." Maggie said.

"Maybe Dwight didn't tell him." I said looking at her, they all looked at me. "That asshole can be setting us up." Daryl said. Rick took the map. Morgan passed by not looking so good. Carol and Rick went after him. I stood up and walked away from them. "You look better." I looked over to see Jesus. I looked at him a bit confused. "Lighter. Did you find a way?" He asked holding out a purple piece of cloth. "What is that?" I asked. He tired it around my arm. "You're coming with us, i know you." he said and let my arm go. I nodded a bit looking at the cloth on my arm. 

"Did you find a solution?" he asked. I looked back at him. "I talked to Rick," i said nodding the slightest. "About what happened, and why i was feeling the guilt." I said softly. He gave me a small smile. "You just needed to talk to the right person." He said looking at me. I nodded a bit. "Yeah, but- you helped me.. I was scared to talk to anyone. I just need to forgive myself, like you said." I said softly. He nodded. "You'll get there." He said and put a hand on my shoulder then he walked, his hand slid off my arm. "Wait," i said turning to him. He looked back at me. "Thank you." i said giving him a soft smile, He returned it. "No problem." he said and turned. 

Daryl walked up to me and shook his head pointing at the cloth on my arm. "I don't want you to go out there." Daryl said reaching me. "It's not safe." he said. "What is safe? No one is safe Daryl. I'm going." i said looking at him. He shook his head. "No. You're staying here," He said walking away from me. "Daryl." i said going after him, i walked by his side. "What difference would it make?" I asked. He stopped walking and turned to me. "If they come. They come," i said shaking my head. "It's no different than out there than in here." I said looking at him. He shook his head. "You're a pain in my ass." He said looking at me. 

"Nothing new, that's not an answer." I said raising an eyebrow the slightest, giving him a soft smile. "You don't leave my side. You understand?" he asked looking me in the eyes. "Yeah- Yes." i nodded looking at him. "Go get a gun, meet us at the front." He said walking away. 

~Later on that same day~

We ended up taking out one of the groups, the map that we got from Dwight was right, but it was a trap. We changed the plan and right now we were on our way to Negan and his people. We were meeting up with the rest of our group in a field. We were walking but Daryl slowed down then fully came to a stop. I stopped walking too and looked at him, he was looking in the distance so i looked over too. It was a huge herd of walkers, too many. But they were far, no where near us. 

Rick and the rest stopped too. "Oh Jesus." Rosita said looking at them too. We were all looking at them. "Holy damn.. Ever see one that big?" Jerry asked looking at them. "No.. Things are changing. Let's go." Rick said looking in the distance too. We started walking again. "How much further?" Daryl asked nudging me a bit so i can walk. I started walking. "We grow closer. Yonder, Over the ridge." Ezekiel said.


Question: What's the name of the Savior that stayed? The one that was speaking to Maggie about helping build from the book that Maggie got. Does anyone know?

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