Chapter 26

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Their plan was set, and everything was ready to take down the beast.

Hanya and Sophia would take the high ground, using sniper beam guns; Lee was on ground holding a shotgun and he was hidden, Jerry was no where to be found since he disappeared so he wasn't involved the plan.

While Shin was considered to be bait. The devil beast wanted to kill him most and now he was going to get his chance.

Lee wasn't considered in their plan, because he was an old man and mainly because he was a father figure to them.

Shin walked the quiet streets, looking at his surroundings in search for the beast. He wasn't sure how well his plan would work, but just in case it did, he packed with him a short gun- that has a similar function as his normal gun- and then a sword he picked up from a dead guy.

He couldn't wait to get back home, to his brother, who was all he had.
But he had to get out of this game first. To do that,he had to take out the big guy.

How can this be happening? Thoughts he had been pushing back since he arrived here came flushing back.


Then he remembered what Lee said about the prizes.
Get a 100 point and be given three choices.
1) To acquire any weapon of your choice
2) To raise back a fallen player
3) To have your memories wiped of this place and return the the real world.

No one was going to take the second choice. It didn't matter whether you die or not, to the other player, it was just bad luck for you.

"I'm not going to let anyone die, even if it kills me" He said loud enough for himself to here.

Just then the beast dropped to the ground causing a small partial rumble. Then it raised its head a starred at Shin. His eyes filled with pure hatred.

Shin wasn't sure why the beast looked at him with sure eyes, like it had been waiting for that moment.

The beast charged towards Shin and Shin dodged the coming attack by sliding under him. Thankfully, he was as big or tall as the beast.

"Now!" He shouted. And Hanya and Sophia began shooting.

Shooting the beast from each side, made it switch to a defensive mode. But it's defense couldn't do anything if he didn't know where the attacks came from.

As Sophia and Hanya shot, Shin attacked the beast using the sword, careful not to get shot by a stray bullet.

After a couple of attacks from Shin and the continuous pouring of bullets on the beast, it figured out the pattern and was able to dodge one of Shin's attacks and inflicting his own on him.

The attack on Shin was so strong that he was thrown a few feet away and the sword was dropped.

It had changed tactics, just like it changed bodies. It was getting harder to fight every minute.

Laser beams shot out from its eyes towards where Hanya stayed, but she dodged at the last minute then continued to shoot at the beast.

It had ground bigger than before, with thorns coming out of its back, it's roar was louder and scary now. Shin was definitely sure now that his plan wasn't going to work, and that they were all going to die.

Just then Jerry appeared in front of the beast holding the sword I was using, and drove it into its head, splitting the head in half.
The laser beams cooled down and it's head dropped.

It was dead.

Sophia and Hanya had stopped shooting now. Jerry took away the sword and placed it on his shoulder.
"That's how it's done", he said smiling.

He was backing the beast so he didn't see when it's beams heated up again.
Shin shouted for him to leave there but he only turned to know where and was launched into the air by a punch from the beast.

It lasers shot from one eye towards Jerry but was only able to cut off one arm because of its split skull.

Jerry fell to the ground, blood gushing out of the place where his fore arm was meant to be. His cries filled the air, but they were not loud enough to cover the roar from the beast.

The beast became unstable, shooting lasers anywhere from both eyes that dangled from the split skull.

Sophia and Hanya continued to shoot also but their element of surprise was gone for the beast now knew where the shot from.

With lasers been shot everywhere with no cause, Shin picked up his short gun and started shooting. This time it didn't blow up any heads but sent a strong force down on the beast head.
One after the other, a force landed on the beast head tearing it's head even more.

But the beast wouldn't allow that, it started shooting beams in the direction of Shin but each one passing by him. It moved it's body around until the split skull came together, then it shot at Shin. The beam went straight through his knees, taking away his legs.

Shin fell to the floor, blood pouring out of his legs. He held his lap as he screamed in pain. There was no way he would let it go down like this. If he was to die here then he would take the beast with him.

He searched around for the short gun and saw it a few feet from where he was. He couldn't get up to get to it so, he began to crawl towards it.

While Sophia and Hanya were still shooting from their positions, and Lee had dragged Jerry away from the battle field.

A beam hit the pavement where Sophia was, and it began to collapse but she immediately rolled to safety and at the same time injure her left leg, but she kept on shooting.

Shin finally got to the gun, but by the time he held it, the beast eyes where already facing him and they released the beams.

Shin wasn't in the right position to shoot and he was going to die. Thoughts of his brother came to his mind as he saw the beams getting closer.

Just then, Hanya appeared running in front of Shin with her sniper gun shooting directly at the beast,stopping the beams from getting any closer, the more she shot, the more the beast roared, the more sophia shot.

The beast's movement got faster and he began to dodge the bullets from both sniper weapons and immediately shot a beam from both eyes towards Hanya. The speed of the beams had also increased, so there was no way she was going to evade it.

The beam hit her lower stomach and tore through it, splitting her in half.

Her lifeless body dropped to the floor a few feet from Shin. His eyes widen and were immediately filled with tears.

He gripped the short gun firmly, aimed it at the beast, and started firing. Memories of their time together flooded his mind as he kept on shooting. Tears rolled down his eyes as his screams became louder and louder. The force released from the short gun increased as he kept on shooting.

The part where the beast head tore open had now torn down till it was in half. Even then Shin kept on shooting till the bullet finished and by then the beast was already in a lake of blood.

Shin dropped the gun and crawled over to where Hanya was, with tears rolling down his eyes, he placed his hand on her cheeks.

Just then I noticed my hands began to disappear but Hanya wasn't, she was dead. There was no way for here to come back. Then blackness covered me and I was gone.

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