distressing afternoon

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Hello my dear readers. If you have any suggestions, wishes or critics, just tell me in the comments. Open for everything. On my Tumblr Account I will post regulary if there are new chapter, pictures of Outfits, rooms, gardens, moods and so on. Just have a look. Now have fun with reading chapter 9. By the way, I will post this story regularly all 3 days.

A servant led Anne through a number of corridors to a broad flight of steps outside. At the foot of the steps, three bodyguards were arguing with the driver of a large truck. Anne thanked the servant and went down to the waiting men.

Aramis was the first to notice her. "Ah, there she is already. Madame, maybe you can provide some clarification," he said. He was unable to take his eyes off the way she came down the semi-circular stone steps with a grace befitting a queen. When she had reached the last step, Aramis made room for her in the circle of men.

"I hope I can be of assistance," Anne said. "What seems to be the problem? The servant who fetched me did not have very much information." She looked at the driver questioningly. If anyone had more information, it should be him.

"Ah, so you're the lady of the house." It was more of a statement than a question.

"I think a little more respect for a member of the king's family is in order," Athos reprimanded the man. All of them had to act according to their station and the driver, who appeared to be in the service of the king, was no exception.

D'Artagnan and Aramis straightened their posture to appear more intimidating and underscore Athos' words.

"I'm not the lady of the house, but I'm the person you're looking for, since you mentioned my name at the gate," Anne said.

"Yes, Madame. Monsieur Rochefort sent me. In the truck are all the documents you requested.

Aramis snorted disparagingly at the name Rochefort.

"The documents...from Rochefort...but in a truck? "Anne was more than a little confused.

"I think we should check the contents," D'Artagnan said, walking towards the loading doors of the truck. Athos followed him.

"Come with me, we'll clear up this misunderstanding in no time," Aramis took Anne's elbow. The light touch roused Anne out of her confusion and made her look at him. "Yes, that would be the best," she whispered softly. The gentle touch rattled her and there was nothing she could do about it. Aramis, who began to realize the effect he had on her, grinned slightly as he led her over to the others.

"Your colleagues at the gate have already checked the contents. What do you expect, we're all on the same side here," the driver said, trying to jovially punch Athos, but earning only a sharp glance instead.

At that moment, D'Artagnan and Athos got the back doors of the truck open, so that they could all look inside.

"Good heavens, " Anne covered her mouth with her hand, visibly shocked. "What *is* all that?"


Constance had finished her tour of the chateau and gone back to her room to pick up a sun hat before joining Anne in the garden. Since their arrival there had been little time to talk. Oh sure, they spent a lot of time together, but there really hadn't been a good opportunity to just talk, gossip or laugh together. She was just hunting for her cellphone in her far too large handbag, when there was a knock on her door and a servant entered. "Madame Bonancieux, Anne sent for you."

"Is she still in the garden?" Constance asked.

"No, she's at the northern gate."

"Thanks, I'll go there right away." The servant left and Constance hurried outside, curious to find out, what Anne was doing at the gate, when she had intended to work in the garden today.

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