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Chapter 23: Rochefort

Last time in chapter 22:

Anne was breathing hard, but unlike a few hours ago, when they had kissed, there was not a hint of sparkle in her eyes. The next thing Aramis noticed was Rochefort kneeling a short distance away from her, his hand pressed against the left side of his face. Blood was seeping through his fingers and dripping onto the parquet floor.

Aramis headed straight for Anne, when Rochefort came to his feet and ran out of the office. The bodyguard was taken aback; he would have sworn that the injury would make an escape impossible. However, one look at Anne and he forgot about trying to chase after Rochefort. Instead, he picked Anne up in his arms and carried her out to the car.


Anne was still trembling, but had managed to calm down a little by the time Athos drove up to the Chateau. Treville was already waiting for them at the foot of the stairs. As soon as the car stopped, he opened the passenger door. "Madame, Aramis has already informed me what happened. How are you feeling? Would you like to see a doctor? Are you hurt?"

Anne shrugged dismissively, but let him help her out of the car. Aramis came around to her side and offered her his arm. Gratefully, Anne linked arms with him.

"Thanks, Treville. No, I'm not hurt, I would just like to rest. And maybe wash off his odour first with a hot shower," she answered.

"Of course, Madame. Aramis will escort you to your rooms. If you want, I will inform the king myself immediately."

Anne nodded. "Yes, that would be best, I think he has to know what kind of man Rochefort really is as quickly as possible. The man has not only stolen from the king. No, he has betrayed my cousin. The sooner Louis knows it, the faster he can do something about it. Treville, please help him with that," she said with a pleading look. Treville took a short bow. "Of course, Madame."

Aramis accompanied Anne to her rooms, practically carrying her more than she walked, which he didn't mind at all.

"I hope it will not dismay Louis too much. He's very trusting and he has known Rochefort for a long time," Anne said. Aramis made a dismissive gesture. "Madame, one can never truly know a man. For what he intended to do to you – and for what he already did – he belongs in prison."

Anne looked at him. "He could go to prison?"

Aramis just nodded, his eyes fixed straight ahead and his hatred for Rochefort increasing with every passing minute. "Your cousin has connections in politics and the police. It will be easy. It is illegal to steal from one's boss and falsify the books and Rochefort has left some incriminating evidence."

Anne breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good to hear."


Treville was on his way to the king, when Athos came from one of the corridors and approached him. "Captain, Madame Bonancieux has just given me these documents. They prove Rochefort's guilt and the payments to the Red Guard."

Treville took the documents and quickly glanced through them. "Perfect. I don't think I'll need them, but they may be helpful anyway."

"Has Aramis come back yet?" Athos asked.

"Yes, he's with the cousin. I think she'll feel safer if she has a guard with her 24/7. And now, please accompany me to the king."

When they arrived at the door to Louis's rooms, they knocked and entered. "Monsieur?" Treville didn't see Louis immediately, so he and Athos looked around and finally found him sitting on his bed. "Ah, Treville, look, my tailor has brought new attire for me. Look at these colours, how beautiful they are." He pointed to some of the clothes that were spread out on the king size bed.

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